Miracle Grow Organic Choice (ok to use?)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mike827, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Just bought some Miracle Grow Organic Choice Potting Mix It has an N-P-K ratio of 0.1-0.05-0.05
    the label also says it contains: 0.097% slowly available nitrogen. Is this safe to use? It's such a nominal amount of nutrients, so I wouldn't think I would have a problem, but I figured I should ask before demanding the grow shop order some Fox Farm for me.

    Also, I have no perlite available locally either, would 1/4" pebbles or other stones/sand work the same way?
  2. i used that and got fungus gnats upp the ass....they were every where! my plants still dont look good cuz they love the organic soil...
  3. I use it, I haven't had too many problems with it. I start with fox farms ocean forest and switch to mg organic when i need alot of soil cause it is cheap. The fox farm ocean forest runs me 18 a bag and i have to drive 45 min to get it. I have had some fungus gnats but neem oil in a spray bottle fixes that. Also I believe mister postman is using it and his grows are the shit..
  4. So these gnats live in the soil? or are they local pests that feed on the soil.

    Ive read that garlic and neem oil both work well to kill fungus gnats.
  5. They don't live in the soil just their eggs do, sometimes. I have only have had like 1 or 2 fungus gnats, neem oil in a spray bottle works good for this.
  6. Thanks for the tip.

    Also, I know many people mix their soil with perlite to loosen it up and help with drainage.

    Do you think this would be a necessary step?

    Also, I don't have an easy source of perlite, so would small stones/pebbles achieve the same result?
  7. You can get perlite at home depot or lowes, I haven't tried stones, however I have read people that have. I believe it is better to have this drainage however it isn't a must. If you can't get it. I have just grown in mg organic with no perlite and it worked.
  8. To get rid of those gnats bake the soil first and you wont have to worry about it.

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