Miracle Gro

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by foocus, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Well I'm gonna take another attempt at growing within this month. Preety much have everything set-up but I wanted to know since i HAVE to go through Miracle Gro does anybody have success with any of their soil or nutrients? And if so can you point me in the right direction.

    (closest place where fox farm soil is sold is about a hour an away and im on a low budget)
  2. Yeah I used Miracle grow before And it was fine,I got em to 3 ft and turned out to be male
    but look real healthy and strong so you should be good,Sure there's better,but you gotta use what you got.
  3. i'm doing ok with mg. use the 30-10-10 (blue pack) for veg & the 10-30-10 (pinkish pack) for flowering. mix em @ 1/4 strength & dilute that further with more water. feed every other watering or less...it will burn or shock them even @ low strength if you overdo it. a little goes a long way.
  4. I used MG in my last grow and I'll be using it again during this grow on half
    of my plants. The other half being fed via an organic fertilizer.

    I initially vegged with the tomato food (18-18-21) but then switched to
    the Azalea and Rhododendron Food (30-10-10) for the remainder of veg.
    For flowering I used the Bloom Boost (15-30-15) with 1tbsp of black strap
    molasses per gallon.

    I started with 1/4 dose, moved to 1/2 dose after four feedings, then went
    to full strength after 4 more feedings. I used half strength nutes for the
    first two feedings in flower, then went to full strength. Halfway through
    the flowering period (day 63 of flower) I switched to double dose of nutes.

    I should note that by the time I switched to double nutes the plant was
    5 feet high and growing. So.. plan accordingly and adjust for that stuff.

    I stopped using the nutes a week before harvest, giving only clean water
    every day for four days and then nothing at all for three more days to dry
    it out a little.

    I added a small pinch of epsom salts once in mid-veg and another in

    Hope that helps man!

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  5. Lots of people do not like MG, I cannot buy it here, and I mix my own soil anyway. But you have to make the best of what you can get. Good luck.
  6. Why?

    There are far more choices than just Miracle Gro and Fox Farm. Miracle Gro soil has time-released nutes in it which can kill MJ, especially young sprouts. Some do grow with it successfully, but many have not so why take the risk.

    You can make your own soil fairly cheap and without a road trip. Try:
    4 parts organic potting soil mix (any brand, just make sure it has no added nutes)
    3 parts sphagnum moss (again with no added nutes)
    2 parts worm castings (at Wally World cheap last I checked)
    1 or more parts perlite (no added nutes)
    1 or more parts clean sand

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