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Mint/Dirt smelling weed? (dry and frosty: can't see in pic)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bella432, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. #1 bella432, Mar 30, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
    So..i just bought about $15 worth of pretty sure its mids based on how it looks. It just smells really minty and kind of like pine or dirt, if that makes sense? I just wanna know what kind of strain it is or if anyone has any info on this..the smoke smells like weed but the bud itself smells weird? I don't know I'm also really high right now so ? I'm a pretty chronic smoker but I don't know much about my strains, or terminology. I usually get it from one guy but shit happened so now I went to this other dude. Just doesn't look frosty, kinda tears apart. I mean it gets me high as normal, its got me stumped

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  3. I wouldn't exactly classify it as 'Snickelfritz', although that is a good joke. I've had plenty of strains come through with some variation of a minty, earthy musk to it. Completely normal, nothing to sketch over. You're high, right? You seem pretty fuckin' shmeezed in your post and that's what really matters.

  4. You got some grade A Dirty Mint there, OP.

    Dirty Mint's awesome. Smells like mint and dirt.

    Yeah, I just made that up because nobody can tell you what strain that is. It looks like decent weed and it got you high, so it did its' job.
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  5. smoke dat shit brodie
  6. Does nobody belive in nail clippers?
  7. Some people leave their nails long so that when they masturbate they can get a little nail action and pretend a woman's jerking them off. I'm not saying that's the deal here, just that more people do that than you might imagine. So whenever I see a pic of nails like that here, I just assume that's their deal.
  8. Are you fuckin serious? It sounds like youre joking and youre serious at the same time. Idk man. You got me all fucked up
  9. Yeah, totally serious that some people do that with their nails. Totally serious that I don't know if that's what the OP is doing. Totally serious that I assume that's the case whenever I see this in weed pics.
  10. Thats just bizarre yo. If a girl digs her nails in my dick id be gone
  11. You can tell OP started smoking less than a month ago and is probably 16

    -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-

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