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Minimum amounts

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by dannydrama, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Is it realistic to be able to make a one time serving of cannabutter? It doesn't matter how long it takes to make, I just don't have much bud to spare.
  2. small servings:
    decarb weed first! if you skip this, you will not get high from the butter/oil. 
    145C/293F for 7 min bake in an oven View attachment 120902
    just cover the ground herb (doesn't matter how much 1g or 28g) with just enough butter or oil to cover it in a double boiler type setup for 1 hr minimum.
    press out the butter or oil with cheesecloth or a t-shirt (you can eat the remaining plant matter as well, if you want you can just leave it in but the cannabis flavor is much stronger)
    the remaining oil is potent to say the least
    my general rule is that 1 ml of cannaoil made this way from med quality herb is a heavy dose. (.5 ml if your herb is high grade )
    tip: coconut oil is a more potent extract as the saturated fat content is 91% and butter is 63%. (s. fat is what the cannabinoids attach to.)

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