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mini T-Break

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokeybones21, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. so as of tomorrow i am gunna take a mini break until i get paid again, i have been having terrible cramps in my stomach and yes the bud helps take care of it but i also think it is the cause of it , ( i was reading in this months high times about a type of "illness" one can get from chronic canabis use ) and i have been smokin basically every day for the past 6 months so until the 15th i will be on a break , so tonight i am smokin the rest of my stash ( or gunna try to hahahaha !!! ) and enjoy the superbowl and watch GreenBay kick ass , what are u guys doin for the game tonight ???
  2. Belongs in general. did you have a question about the t-break?
  3. i'm going to eat some bean dip and watch obama and o'reily go at it :D i'm kinda doing the same thing as you,Finnish my stash and T break till i get more money

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