Mini-fridge grow. Metal work?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by andrew1180, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Hey,
    i have an old GE electric fridge.
    I'm trying to add some ventilation holes, but i'm not quite sure how to cut holes into the side of the fridge.
    Does anyone have experience with this?
    What's the best method for this?
  2. #2 experimentalist, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2008
    A dremel hand tool (insert joke here) works absolutely amazing for these kinds of
    jobs.. they have a million kinds of tools that connect to them, and they make short
    work of jobs like this.

    I highly recommend one..

    If you need to do bigger work.. get a "sawzall" -- they work on ANYTHING :) I've
    taken down an entire garage with a single sawzall.

    Once I had to be really ghetto and I used a big nail and a hammer to poke holes
    in a circular shape and then used the hammer to knock out the center.. it was sharp
    and shitty.. but it "worked".


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