Hey there people's, this is like, my 2nd post, but I have a good idea Get one of those mini lime bottles, that you keep in the fridge. Sorry, couldn't find a pic. Or use a 5-Hour energy bottle, and make a mini mini bong!!! Someone should do this, as I am to lazy, and post pix Thanks, and ya, I know it's a dumb little idea, but I think it'd be hella cool for a mini bong!
why not just use a 20 soda bottle of you choice? you could actually get a substantial sized hit out of it.
that would be so ill. like a mini coke ball ash catcher on this thing. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0k-lzJcXhY&feature=related]YouTube - Coca Cola Balls Part Two....420[/ame]
looksies lol now i want to make one so u can have your looksies, but im lazy like you so yea no looksies for you
I think i'll try this tonight. I wouldn't want anybody to miss out on their looksies. lol I'll post pics either tonight or tomorrow. hahahaha I love silly maybe we could make a "smallest piece contest" lol
yay! I declare that we have a smallest piece contest lol I like the mini, all stealthy like pipes and shit. Those ninja's sure are good at making pipes! win! And yes, you must post pix of it! I wanna get my looksies!
You might like this, then. Knocked it out in like 2 minutes a couple of months ago. I used a standard/medium green prescription bottle from a dispensary. Looks pretty benign. Inside is a lighter, a glass bowl/stem, and some plastic wrap to stand in for a bag for the pics. And of course the lid. Assembled. What is the hole in the lid for, you ask? Splashguard. If I had to make it again, i would put the stem hole a little farther up, and angle it a bit. As is, it hits great though. EDIT:: You can use it dry as a steamroller, too. And now that I think about it, you might be able to put the bowl in the top hole, and use it like a mini-waterfall.
I dont know about using that as a waterfall probably just eat your weed and just barely spit it back up. If something eats my weed i want it to throw up in my mouth. as bad as that sounds i hope you know what i mean
Yeah, like I said, i thought about it right as i was editing. Never tried it, probably never will. I hardly use the thing as it is.