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Mind control in the classroom.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by TooSicKs, May 12, 2003.

  1. ^well...thank you for adding such an intelligent thought to the conversation. is said that all geniuses were a little bit crazy, and (in all respect) i think your proof. i think you need to be if you're going to see outside of the box, especially as far as you have.

    that barbed wire thing is fucked up and im glad its not like that around here but its frightening that it is even allowed.

    and i guess a simple explination for all that would be that someone who sees through the cover of the public school system (at least where you went) isn't really a desireable person. someone who can open everyone's eyes to corruption and all that stuff certainly wouldn't be high on the list of people for the person(s) who are running all that.

    so, write that biography, continue fighting the system and get the word out there.
  2. That was great insight into how fucked up the whole system can be.

    Nearing the last few years of my secondary school, we got a new head teacher.
    He decided the school needed major improvements - this meant building 8 ft security fences round the school perimeter, installing about 15 cctv cameras, and making all the gates to the school electro magnetically operated. Being in school felt like being locked in some strange prison every week, the only privileges we got was be able to leave during lunch time, which i remember as the best times of being at school.

    You really do start to realise how much bullshit they teach you aswell, compulsory learning or stuff youll never need to know, higher maths! Fucking waste of time. I hated all those academic subjects, and now that im in 6th form college i get to do 3 subjects of my choice, Art, Photography, and Geography (only because you have to do 3 to stay in the college). I love it so much more now, and your basically free to do what you want.

    Thanks for the read, and hope you come back to the city one day.
  3. I just recently thought about this but you reemember when you take a government issued test and you wite stuff down and it doesnt count in your grade but they pick it up anyway.WTF are they trying to do?
  4. That's all school is; either you're a faceless, nameless prick who swallows all their bullshit propaganda without complaining at all about it, or you're the one who they feel they have to hammer all of their retarded policies into.

    heh, once, during "red ribbon week", which started here as anti-alcohol but slowly and methodically spread to pot, we had this presentation in the auditorium. They had about 11-12 cops in there all talking about their "life stories", and how they were proud that they could feel safe for their kids at night knowing that they had locked up some of the most worthless and dangerous people on the earth (meaning people who smoke pot). So, they ask, "any questions"? And I raise my hand and ask "Yes, how would you explain, to the best of your ability, the INABILITY of the drug war to curb the illegal consumption of marijuana, and, if so, why do we spend BILLIONS of dollars a year doing so. Wouldn't this money be better spent treating illnesses, feeding the homeless, and housing the destitute, instead of enforcing some sort of crackpot lie about the dangers of cannabis?"

    So i spent some hours afterwards in the principals office...
  5. here's my take: first off, you got treated the way you did because you couldn't behave within the guidelines laid before you by the school (which is an institution in sociological terms). High school's bad, but it's probably the easiest your life is going to get. The reason why they try to teach things like upper math and Latin is not because you will need it in your life, but because your performance (grades) is a measure of the amount of work you are willing to put into something.

    you don't need to be smart to succeed in school, you just need to truly work hard at it. you need the right attitude, always thinking about the next step in your life, everything. The grades you receive in high school are merely a foundation for the rest of your life -- they are equipping you with the skills and work ethic you'll need to survive out in the real world. In high school, you learn to interact with your peers and how to handle situations with people that you don't like.

    Unfortunately, even some people my age in college still don't get it.. it's all just busywork to them, and they're too shortsighted to start planning for a future. but whatever, less competition for the rest of us, right?

    EDIT: also this isn't coming from some goody two-shoes who got straight A's through school. I've been through the same situations as you; i was arrested twice in my high school years and spent some time in a psychiatric hospital. I've gotten my life back on track fortunately... holding a 25 hr/week job down, conquering various anxieties, and attending class (also getting A's and B's now). I'm interested in getting into a pre-law program for my junior and senior years and hopefully attending graduate school for a law degree
  6. I have to say that i agree and disagree with alot of whats being said...

    For one, referring to teachers as mind control "agents" is a sign that you might be paranoid. I dont really think any of my current teachers are smart enough to be able to effectively use any form of mind control.

    It's true though, in public schools there are alot of lies that are told as part of the curriculum. Listening to what they have to say in health class about marijuana really pisses me off, but it's ultimately up to the individiual to be able to read between the bullshit and figure out for themself what sounds like propaganda or lies.

    ---First post---
  7. best read in a while man
  8. Damn man your a smart guy, youve gotta write a book on this someday, people love to read that kind of stuff.
    And also you said you smoked weed throughout your highschool years? If so that sure blows away the whole "stupid stoner" point of view.
  9. what part of FLA did you go to school in, i can relate to a lot of that when i was in middle school in 7th and 8th grade everyday b4 school i got called into the office and sat there for 4 hours waiting with a bso and on more than one occasion he searched my bag w.o. warning, then i had two counselors talk some bullshit into my head, what i didnt understand and now i do is why my parents were never informed this was going on, i didnt even want to tell my pops cause i was afraid he would bust in there and probably fuck everyone up[russian temper=ppl die] i didnt get the best grades but i finished all my work and tests in less than 10 minutes no matter how long it was without hardly any effort, when we took the fcats i scored 99 reading, 99 math 3 years in a row the other year[6th grade] was a 98 in math and a 99 i n reading, i guess they wanted to know why i did so well on testing but didnt give a fuck about school, and i still dont, i hardly give any effort and im already a year ahead of where im supposed to be which = college early which = :smoking: a lot which = :D but yea i had to deal with bullshit and i know it impacted me pyscologically, at the time it made me feel guilty[of something that i couldnt even conceive what i had done, which was fukin go to school and deal with good government bullshit.] But when you talk about mind control, i can also relate in the sense that i have amazing mind control, its fuckin freaky though lol, if im high i can convince myself im not[when needed, cops, and such...] if im drunk i can convince myself to sober up, and then when im done sobering up i can convince myself im high again, its mad freaky but im glad i can do it. Call me crazy but i was goin to sleep just last week and i was kinda meditating and i was thinkin about psilocybin and how its released in the brain and i was just sittin there deeply meditating and i went into a trance, opened my eyes and everything looked like a dream for about an hour, it was fucking ill. And my friends, that is some amazing mind control, and im so glad im blessed with it.
  10. hahaha, i don't think it's really like that buddy...
  11. It's not prison. Public schools just have standards of behavior to keep liability low. Apparently, the poster didn't comply with those, and he blames "the system" for fucking him over, when, really, he probably did something to cause the "persecution".

    Maybe it's just because both of my parents are involved in Public schools, but I'm inclined to say that toosicks is exagerating.

    But then again, i'm sure my opinion will be discounted as one of those who was "brainwashed" by "the system" and is now a slave of "the man".
  12. thats why i pretty much quit going to school i just dropped out plus i have read up alot on the 9/11 conspiracy theories and it shows that it was done by our own government. So don't trust a government that is willing to kill its own ppl to make a point. You made an interesting post and its good some people can read it.
  13. i didn't like high school but i wasn't a big baby about it either
  14. I guess I'm just a mindless brainwashed drone, but I did well in high school and almost never got in trouble. Highschool isnt there as a means to preserve the status quo, its there to give you a set of tools that will help you succede in life. What you get out of high school is proportional to what you put in.

    I'm not saying I liked high school. I hated it and I havent been back since I graduated, but I never let that stand in the way of getting an education. I always thought it was funny that people would try to give me shit for caring about my education. They sure shut up quick when it was time to start applying for college and they realized that they hadn't done jack shit for the past 4 years, and that their various sports achievments were worth absolutely nothing in the real world. The people I know that dicked around in high school or dropped out are the ones bagging my groceries, delivering my newspaper, and soaking up my tax money through the state prison system.

    I just cant understand why anyone would be dumb enough to drop out of high school. Its only 4 years, probably some of the easiest 4 years you will have to deal with.
  15. im all for fighting the man, the system, the agents, whatever, but there is a line between subversive and paranoid that needs to be understood.

    whether you like public school or not, by being there you are agreeing to a kind of social contract. you behave in a manner that is in line with what they expect, and you walk out in four years with a diploma.

    if you dont want the diploma, or you truly disagree with the policies/teachers, you can walk the fuck out. pretending to injure yourself to get out of a class and cursing off the administrators is not a way to subvert said system, it is a way of making yourself more visible as a threat to the establishment.

    there's no room for heroes in public school, there are no "red pills" as you say. you either play their game or you dont. you cant beat them at their own game, and maybe if you stopped watching the matrix and smoking bowls for a week or two you might start to see things differently.

    i too had some entanglements with the school psychologists- my 11th grade chem teacher thought i was plotting to kill her, for example. but i wasnt so immature that i walked away believing i was some kind of hero fighting against the evil thought police. if you get to the end of 1984, you see what happens to winston- he plays the game against the state and he loses.

    if you hate it so much, the answer isnt to punch cops. the answer is to live your life in a way that will not attract their attention. just my two cents, naturally. best of luck in the future, whatever battles you find yourself in.
  16. Replying to the above..

    A - Fuckin- men
  17. HIGH All, ahhh man you guys!!!!!!!! Been shifhting thought the pages and see TooSicKs....fuck me you guys sure like to bring up good memories eh!!! +rep to who did...and I'll see who did it late......................
  18. I have a friend kinda like you, Smart as fuck just ppl hated him because of his history.

    Shame Humans hating Humans
  19. School is small fry, it is not big brother, it is little nephew maybe.....but what Orwell described, the social commentary that he made there-in fits far more apropriately with Current Govt. standards. You will find that the slightly over exaggerated "New World Order" is actually comming to pass, but not in my opinion how we first imagined during the Paranoid laden 90's.....Example : The USA, Canada, and Mexico have been suggested to join a North American Regional Governing body. We would have open borders and a single currency. Concurrently, Eastern Asia, Eurasia, Africa, and South America wouls all join regional bodys and use a single currency like the euro. No mind you the illuminati or whaever popular conspiracy you hold dear, are likely not real or involved in any way, on the contrary, the strings are being pulled by a select elite few, not sworn in by secret scocieties, but sworn in by the money they can offer thier is Big Brother and he IS watching......

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