Mind = Blown

Discussion in 'General' started by JustSeenSallie, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. this is pretty cool. if only we could get some nipple action

  2. have some class :mad:
  3. thats alright
  4. Only side-boob? Boring
  5. There aint nothing wrong with wanting to see some nipple:confused_2:
  6. *unzips jeans* theres your wiff

    did it move for you? it stopped moving!
  7. Her hair is buggin out.

  8. You do realize you're getting upset over an animated gif on the internet..

  9. I didnt realize I was mad? lol...maybe the smiley is too harsh
  10. ya them is fightin words.

  11. Oh ok, just thought you were mad when you used the mad emoticon.
  12. I dont get it.
  13. I was expecting something a little more mind blowing..

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