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Milk weed!!! Does it work?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by BaalHammon, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. #1 BaalHammon, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    Well I searched and searched but found nothing,

    Im getting 3 grams of weed in a couple days and was wondering if mixing half a gram to 1 gram of weed into almost boiling milk would work.

    I just bought some whole milk and plan on adding half a gram of weed to it, will this stink up my house and will it work? what are the exact steps i have to take?

    btw, i just started smoking about 3 months ago and i havent smoked for a week now so i have a low tolerance, usually i smoke about less than half a gram and i get pretty blazed, so if i put half a gram into my milk would i get higher than just smoking it?

    Feedback and tips would be so appreciated!

  2. Thanks man, I will try it tomorrow!
  3. Update me on your results man I want to see how good it is.
  4. I make this stuff all the time. Use soy milk with a high fat content at least 4g of fat. I use West Soy Unsweetened. One box to an eighth works really well. Just double boil it with the top on for 45 minutes to 3 hours then strain and chill.

    Some people love the taste others hate it. Try making milk shakes :3

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