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Milk kills highs?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BurnTheKush, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hey. Most of you guys may know that milk can reduce your ecstasy rolls, lsd trips, and shroom trips. Just wanted to know if it also kills your high on weed, cause if it does I need to eat some other stuff on my wake and bakes :D

    anndddddddd my friend says he has a connect for a 1.5 of og kush shake for 15 dollars. Good deal?
  2. never does for me, but i have seen some claim it does
  3. well for a lot of minoritys milk can give them a stomach ache especially the large amount that youd want to drink when your high, so i guess thats true in a sense

    first the shake makes it sound fake as fuck so i wouldnt beleive it but the price is good for og kush even if it is shake
  4. Yeah 15 bucks for shake is good, roll a J or something, probably get blazed.
  5. People probably claim this due to the fat content of milk. I do know that it will dull a cocaine high if you drink it before your feel your throat go numb.
  6. but milk is soooooooooooooooooooooooo good. it does a body good.
  7. nope thats a hypochondric myth. milk and cookies after burnin is fire

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