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Military + Marijuana

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Weed.Wacker, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. Seriously this is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. There is no I REPEAT NO difference between the California National Guard and the rest of the Armed services when it comes to drug testing there is a zero tolerance approach to any illegal substance PERIOD ,,,, there is no way to get around drug tests cause the pick of who has to be test is completly random and picked by a computer believe me when i tell you this as I am a UPL admin for my unit, UPL is the drug tester , SO YES I DO KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!
  2. Skeeter, don't sweat it, it's a message board - people are really dense sometimes.

    But I'll give you plus rep for having the right informaiton.
  3. While that's the optimistic way of looking at things, unfortunately that's not how "life is."

    There's many reasons and excuses for what life should be, but in reality, life is complex. People will go through so many different situations that thinking that life is to be "happy" is naive. There's going to be times where one will not be happy. There's going to be times when one is having the best time of their lives.

    To me, life is about exploration and being able to learn from mistakes. Pain to me is a part of life, because pain is another way of learning about things.

    Pain reminds you of mistakes as well as pleasure (like being a boxer).

    For people who decide to join the military, that's their decision. It's pretty dumb to be someone else and criticize their position about life because EVERYONE would agree that no one wants to be told how to live their life, so why do the same?

    It may be worthless to some... some may see it as pointless. But some will see them as a group of people who protects this country... and in reality, people get fucked over.

    There has to be balance between being passive and pro-active about things like national security. Lots of people want to just advocate neutrality (and history has shown that it CAN be done), but terrorists out there don't necessarily function on our schedule.
  4. Im not criticizing the soldiers at all. Just the war. those who believe us being in iraq and the middleeast in general is making us safer, your not very smart or your ignorant. It actually makes us LESS safe. as every day we are in there occupying countries, destroying homes, killing civilians and terrorists (known as freedom fighters to them), more of these people join the fight against us, especially like brothers and sons of people that have died because of us.
  5. IM not sweating it I just dont someone that is concidering joining the military to have the wrong idea or misconception of how the military works cause all that is really goin to happen is people will get in and end up in alot of trouble. But as some say do what you can afford, thats why im waiting till im out to take a toke or two........ hundred:D and thanks for the rep man
  6. All braches of Nat. Military have zero tolerance drug codes. Tough shit finding a job in the U.S. military with THC in your system

  7. Great post man, seriously. I'm gonna have to save this to remind myself on those shit days that it's all a learning experience.

    +rep.. even though it does nothing for you.. but it's the thought that counts :)
  8. Hey man we have no disagreement...

    I never said they would be lenient if you tested positive. Your fucked if you fail a test.

    Im saying Ive met/smoked with people in the military and they just use those drinks that get it out of your system. They have to drink them after everytime they smoke though because it is random.

  9. It doesn't work, they do gravity tests/check creatine levels in your urine to test for sample doping just in case, and fake piss doesn't work because they watch the pee come out of you per DOD rules. I smoked while in the military only during extended periods of leave... too dangerous to get caught, they fuck you big big time. I was a former NCOIC and I had a bunch of my marines pop on piss tests... Now they have ZERO veteran benefits,got kicked out, and have big red marks on their records, unlike a simple possesion charge you get on the outside for HAVING it. BCD/Dishonorable discharges will fuck up your life.

    I've seen way too many people go out like this (15~)
  10. In response to the original question from "weed wacker;" you will be able to join the military if you are a mmj cardholder. Long story short, you will not be able to use the mmj card once you join, and you must deny ever having or being perscribed such a card. The military does not look kindly to the recreational or medical use of any drug that is federally controlled. They have this strict stance for many reasons but, what I've noticed since all branches are properly manned at the current time is: the stance on controlled substances is benificial in weeding out(no pun intended) individuals with weak body conditions that need drugs to operate at full capacity. I know this beacuse I've served my time in the Navy and was around many people that found marijuana worth the risk while in the military. I witnessed too many decent individuals become jobless and helpless due to the use of marijuana in the military.

    If you really enjoy using marijuana don't risk it with the military. Unfortunately the military has much more power than one thinks over their future and career and when it comes down to drug use, they will ruin your life...period. I currently hold a mmj card but recieved it after my time in the Navy was up. When you sign up for the military you will find even your leave time (when you go home) is also the militaries time. You will never be free until your enlistment, or contract is up.

    All that being said, I enjoyed seeing the world, flying some of the fastest aircraft in the nation, and serving the country that has given me so many freedoms. Don't let a stupid drug decide the rest of your life.
  11. Yeah I looked into this as well. I forgot the actual courtcase but a military man had a medical card and the military (air force) was kicking him out for popping on a drug test. The case went up to supreme court and they favored the sad I know so your answer is no you can not join the military even with a MMJ card. Don't let this stop you from going into the service though, do what your goals and ambitions are and weed is just a extra little bonus.:p Don't ever let the ganja prevent you from doing what you really want to do.
  12. If you get stupid lucky, you can make it work, but it's not worth the hassle.

    You're best off not chiefing if ya wanna go into the millitary

    PFC. TheDudeAbides, 75th Rangers
  13. Am I the only pleased that the men and women protecting us are sober?
  14. Alcoholism is rampant in the military, so I wouldn't go that far! :hello:
  15. yep and yet no one cares one bit unless you get in trouble with the law
  16. #56 timebomb311, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2009
    Not gonna work man, I did 4 years in the Military. I can promise you you will be piss tested very regularly, and when you pop for pot they'll seperate you with an other than honorable discharge.. They will not care if you have a card or not.

    On another note as far as the military people being "sober" that couldnt be farther from the truth! From first hand experience I can tell you that drinking is huge in the military (at least the Marines) While I was in I usually drank a liter of jack a night for a year or so.

    As far as drugs go, theres not very much Marijuana usage because it stays in your system so long. There is a problem with meth and coke. Reason being is they know their going to get tested and the harder drugs are out of your system faster. This is not a problem for most of the Honorable men and woman but theres always that 1%.

    I am a big supporter that Marijuana should be legalized. But I do not believe it has any place in the hands of our military men and woman.
  17. So now that we know its not gonna work in the military..

    What about airforce doctors? Im joining next year and there paying for my school ect. while I work for them in the war.

    If I'm a Doctor will they still feel the urge to test me?
  18. To OP: You may be able to join (not sure) but I know they def wouldn't let you smoke while in medical or not. I won't be smokin 4 the nxt 3 yrs haha.
    To military members/supporters: I created a group 4 military tokers an anyone is more than welcome to join (my profile page).
  19. You can pretty much bet that if your employed by the Military/Government your going to be subjected to regular testing.
  20. I'm an active duty E5 in the US Army. There is a way to "get away" with smoking in the army. In every unit, there's some sort of UPL program, the urinalysis program to randomly test soldiers for drugs. I've never encountered, in my 5 years of service, a 100% urinalysis.

    The only way to get away with smoking weed in the army is to be the NCO that's in charge of running the UPL program in your unit. You can ensure your name doesn't show up on the roster. Or just put a pothead in charge, and he can ensure his buddies don't get put on the list.:bongin:

    But certainly, you CANNOT and WILL NEVER have a medicinal marijuana prescription while in the military, period.

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