Didn't really know where to post this. But people on these forums seem real helpful. I have to take a drug test for the Marine Corps on Monday. ( I ship to bootcamp). So the last time I smoked was on Jan 4. Before that I regularly smoked pretty good stuff. Yesterday I took one of those home tests but it came up with a very faint line which it says is still passing. Should I be good on Monday when I take this test? I really just want to know for peace of mind. BTW I'm 6' 185 pounds. Pretty active. Run every other day and work out every other day but I still have a gut.
work out a lot and drink shit loads of water and you should be fine. not sure if military tests are stronger than your average job drug test or whatever though
From the research I've done its only 50 ng/ml (same as the home test) but if they need confirmation its 15 ng/ml
If i had to guess, then you'd be fine. You stopped smoking more than a month ago, so you should be clean Good luck at boot camp! Rah
If it were me I would be running and working out every day just to be on the safe side and its only for one week so it couldn't hurt. Also make sure that when you take the test its not your first piss of the day.
i would run every day until monday and drink water and cranberry juice. the home tests are pretty low quality, which means that they wont usually detect small amounts of THC, which means they are alot easier to pass that test. Haven't taken a military drug test myself, but im sure that they are of much higher quality, and would probably detect smaller amounts of THC in your fat. if infact it is a normal drug test, and you barely pass, they will probably make you retest with a drug test that will notice even 15-20 ng/ml for sure...so watch out for that just a little tip, when the THC makes it to your urine, and you piss it out, most of it ends up in the beginning of your piss or the very end, so i suggest taking a second or 2 long piss in the toilet first then the cup, then pull it out at the end. also dont drink too much water the day of the test, or it looks very suspicious in your urine sorry if that was a little wierd good luck
When I took mine at boot camp our DI made us drink a shit load of canteens and piss a lot before we actually went to get tested so I think all of our samples were quite diluted. Good luck and have fun devil dog.
I have a couple friends who have had to go through this recently; they test you in various ways that vary in strength, whether or not trace elements of THC are found in the initial testing. OP, you should be fine, but I would take the advice that's been given about excersize and cranberry juice. Try to eat healthier this week, too, so that you can hopefully shed some of that gut and reduce the risk
Marine here too (out now) you should be fine, sweat and water brotha... good luck, keep your head down and pay attention. Also in boot camp try to get the first shifts or last shifts for nightly firewatch duties if you can, you'll get better sleep and not be in a zombie state.
I smoked 4 days before my test and just drank a bunch of water and passed good thing i got the fuck out before my ship date though. your recruiting center should test you the day before if they have any idea what they are doing and if you show up positive theyll push back your date.
Thanks for all the answers. Those home tests always sketch me out because I always seem to get a very faint line.