I am Mike, liked by some for reasons I could never understand, and by more still simply because we grew up together, the familiar faces of good friends, the familiar stories of good times, I'm sure you know what I mean... I highly enjoy the company of beautiful, free spirited girls. I am 17. I pass the time by watching good movies, reading good books, sleeping, smoking naturally... it kind of goes without saying. More recently I've decided to go on a little mushroom exodus for a day, or around five during the christmas vacation, it should be fun, I'll write all about it if I can. I've never done shrooms: I've been told it differs from acid, which I have done... hopefully I'll find out how much I should eat for a solid trip, and how much it should cost me as this whole plan might take me to unfamiliar dealers. MajorMajorMajorMajor is a fictional character in Catch-22 by: Jospeph Heller... Maybe someone might know around here, peace. remember: solid trip + 5 days = ?