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Mids vs Kush

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ankhmor, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. So ive got a deal going on
    $80 for half o of mids
    or $110 for half o of kush

    im yet to see the kush, but even if it does live up to its expectations what should i get.

    this is in toronto, canada area.
  2. Those are shitty prices for Canada my friend. But I would get the so-called "kush"
  3. Kush hands down
  4. None of the "kush" in toronto is actual "kush" (cept like 1% probably haha) its just what dealers around here call dank weed. I would buy the Half O of kush! Definitely get the kush.

    Those arent terrible prices for canada like the other person said, its average prices for Ontario. BC has even better prices but these are decent prices for Ontario
  5. You pay 80 for a half O of mids in Canada?


    I typically pay 60 here, and if im lucky 50. And this place is shit for weed sometimes. Your getting ripped off man. Get the kush.
  6. A half ounce for 80? What prices do you pay in Canada?


    Check out both strains, the kush sounds a bit low, if it is legit. If anything you will just be buying better bud for 110. Go for what you can afford man. I doubt you regret buying either.
  7. #7 xtully420, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    That is absurd.. I live in ohio and pay 175-185 for half-o some of NE Ohio's best

    Edit: im toasted, Kush all the way.. no contest! It's always fun to explore the universe inside the dimensions of your brain :smoking:
  8. In buying marijuana, always go quality over quantity. You'll never be disappointed. But if you can settle for mids, by all means go for it.
  9. Are you saying the OP's prices are too high or low in Canada?
  10. Kushhhh.... Indulge, my friend.

  11. My bad, I read OP's post as 110 for a quarter of the kush not a half...great price for a half, not so much for a quarter haha. My bad. :eek:
  12. God, I envy you damn Canadians. :p:smoke:
  13. $110 for the half o of probably thinking its just good kb. but either way, its a great deal.
  14. kush evreytime.... but if u have a rly low tolerance mids can be just as good :smoke: u can always make some hash or edibles wit the mids too if u plan on getting a little creative but for smoking purposes only id go with kush (im not saying u shouldnt make edibles with kush but to each his own)
  15. Kush hands down. Unless you want to go on a binge of joints, then just buy like 1/8 of kush with the money you saved.

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