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Mids or dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mason2010, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Still can't tell, but judging by the nug's structure Id say you have at least some beasters.

    Generally, beaster and dank nugs are bigger and rounder than mids and schwag, which are normally compressed or flattened (and leafy).
  2. looks brown could be some ok mids or its orange haze of some sort could you take a better pic plz?
  3. Agred but need better pic
  4. yea i think your right.did i get riped off i piad like 50 bucks for 4 grams?
  5. nah you didnt get ripped off
  6. #7 abnormldood, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
    Your pic is really blurry but I agree with the other poster who said it's beasters. The beasters I get is always extremely dense and moist and is covered in red hairs and I get it for $30/8th. Beasters is between mids and dank if you didn't already know. 4 grams for 50 bucks is a decent deal if it's good considering your area. That would be a little pricy in my area but I don't know your area's prices. It does it's job, right?
  7. Try this, dont use any zoom and just get closer to the weed and take a pic, it may help with the blurry pic.
  8. sorry the batteries died:mad:
  9. Im saying kine bud.
  10. I really cant for sure tell from the picture, but looks like mids to me.

    I'm probably wrong though :) good luck
  11. Beasters = Kind Bud. Same thing, different terminology.
  12. alright thanks everyone ill try to take a better pic tomarow.
  13. some more options about me being ripped off or not would be nice im getting it for $50 for 4 grams
  14. i cant see the pic that well but it looks like some good mids maybe even beasters
  15. if u cant immediately tell that tha bud is high grade, it usually isnt.

    i mean cmon, theres a look and a smell to good bud that is unique.

    good bud smells like an old christmas tree

    mids smells like a week old dead christmas tree
  16. mids 4 show
  17. Well it smells pritty good but i dont realy see much thc crystals on it
  18. Yeah, the way it is compressed makes me think of beasters too.
  19. Reminds me of some mids I got the other day.

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