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Middle Eastern Bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AZBLAZER420, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Friend told me he can get me bud thats from the middle east, was wondering how much bud actually comes out of the middle east oh and ill post picks when i get. Has anyone here ever had bud from the middle east. Really hoping its good cause this will be my last sack for awhile.
  2. Bud from the middle east being smuggled all the way to where do you live?
  3. make sure you check the bud for ammunition cases... lmao
  4. The bud directly from the middle east funds terrorist organizations. Thanks asshole.
  5. u wont find weed in the emirates but places like pakistan and india will have cheap weed but really shitty ( the easiest to get weed) but you can still get dank.. and some other places but in emirates u won't find shit and its way too dangerous in an arab country..
  6. ive smoked some shit from iran i think it was? one of my friends went there for a mini vacation and brought back some fire from a cartel down there.
  7. only place i smoked in the middle east was when i visited me cousin in beirut he had a fire hook up but a little sketchy since the guy selling us(a guy he knows really well 5+ years) the bud had a hezbollah tattoo :smoke: he was the nicest guy i have ever met
  8. I have smoked in a lot of middle eastern countries (including the greater middle east too).

    India has some very nice bud if you are in the correct areas (Goa, Chittaurgarh and a few other places were nice to me :smoke:)

    Turkey is alright. Didn't spend enough time there to get a decent taste of their produce.

    Cyprus :)yummy: Really good buds to be found there and it is not exactly hard to find either)
  9. im originally from turkey and the bud there is good if you know people last time i was there i was only able to find compressed kief though ( called kubar, tozz)... was still good :)
  10. In terms of actually being brought to North America, the only thing I have heard of being smuggled from the Middle East is hash.

    I thought Cyprus really cracked down on weed? Or was that Lebanon?
  11. #11 IndyAir, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Well I had a hookup while already there. I should have mentioned it I guess.

    They are very strict over there. 0 tolerance. However if you have a hookup you are sorted as it is a good network. Mental expensive over there though

    ***Edit: By the way, this was not meant to be a recommendation lol. I was just sort of stating I had been there. I wouldn't suggest actually trying to go there and smoke weed unless you already know someone***
  12. We used to get good hash in New York smuggled in from Morocco, Lebanon, etc. I never had good kief, though I'm sure that it existed.

    I'd LOVE to have some fresh Red or Blonde Lebanese hash, it's not the strongest in the world, like black, but it's very pleasant to smoke. Ahhh, I can remember now like yesterday. :wave:

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