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Mid-grade argument-compare

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 4Cave2man0, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Ok so i have been smoking for about 7 years and i started out with beasters i beleive and the first few months i never really understood the names of weed i just smoked it like fuck right?

    as i matured in my smoking habits and wisdom i know whhat mids's MIDS
    people say theres good and bad mids- no you are wrong there is commercial and regs (which is real shitty weed)

    -KB aka Kine Bud not kind bud for some people as much as they want to think
    -Beasters which techically is KB
    -Then last is any kind of super strain headies ( og,blueberry,ak-47 etc.)

    My point is Mid-grade marijuana is what it is- Mid grade theres no good mids or bad mids- its all the same seeds-sticks-headache-bad taste-10 minute high
    if its "bad mids" its just Shwag goods mids is JUST MIDs

    people im not hating if thats all you can afford then cool but there are not different strains of mid-grade

    happy tokin:smoking:
  2. Yeah around here it's either reggie or kush/dro/crunch/ you know what I mean
  3. I feel you man im in worcester mass and since i have a guy who every week has something better than the other week if i dont roll with that then im buying a bottle of jack daniels instead ill resort to alcohol before i ever smoke mid-grade again ( i mean i will smoke it if i am drunk when i cant tell or dont know that it is mids because a hit of anything when im drinking gets me fucked
  4. Eh, I was going to debate this, but basically, it works down to terminology. Different people use different terms in different areas to mean the exact same thing. For example, people often use 'dro' when referring to headies. People also use the term chronic, fire, dank, etc. Same goes for middies, while what you're saying is somewhat accurate, but I would argue there are definitely levels of mids. Not all low quality mids constitute shwagg, or regs as you used the term. (Regs in my area is interchangeable with mids, not with shwagg, another difference) But I have to get to class, I'll pop on later to continue this debate :p
  5. The mids I can get are very good. Green and fluffy, not all brown and bricked. If Im not spending more than $60 on bud then Ill be getting mids, I get way more out of 14gs of mids than 3.5 of headies.

  6. but you'd have to smoke more of the 14 grams to get as high as you would off the dank. idk i just am acustomed to weed that has been cared for. lol the taste, apperance and high is better with headies, and i will always choose it over mid grade.
    just my thoughts..

    i feel like there are good mids, bad mids and heads. i do not agree that there is 6 different 'levels' of weed though. there is just variation on how they all smoke and appear.
  7. I have def had mids that smelled, tasted and smoked better then some "green" weed ive smoked. Just depends on the strain and how its grown. I like smoking mid grades sometimes, its fun to pick out the seeds after you just blazed some of your tripple og kush wacky shits.:D
  8. as far as i am concerned.....
    this is how i see it....

    mids is just good green buds
    sometimes its seedy sometimes its not
    but nice and green -good buzz - smells good
    depending on where you are this is really the way to go ....
    you get more for your money and the shit i get you really dont have to smoke that much more? to get just as liffted as you can with the killer buds everyone wants so much money for?

    regs is just the average shit weed....often brown and shaky usualy seedy most times just some cheep mexican shit got to smoke a shit load and just ant "usually " worth the time
    sometimes that shit smells like cat piss to....yuk

    and then of coarse there is the more expensive bud most everyone is after....
  9. i usually dont get headaches from the mids i smoke and i get just as high as smoking dank, just a dif kind of high

  10. i agree completely

    the shit i call mids is as good of a buzz as anything high end and dont have to smoke that much more.....some times no more at all....

    with what i consider mids you can get a nice buzz off of just a few hits
  11. "reggie")$5<"mids"$5<"dro"$10< "Beesters"$15<"kush"="purp"$20

    I smoke the best I can possibly find. Some days it's just dried up.
  12. Mexi Brick



    That's how it goes around cali.
  13. depending on how it's grown, it can be shitty or good.

    Personally, I know a dealer that sells good mids. I also know a dealer that sells decent to bad mids.

    I also know a few who sell headies [no name strain] Personally, I like the high I get better off of these good mids. To me, it feels like a minor head high as well as a good body high. I like that mix more than the head high I get from headies alone.

    Usually if I buy heads, I'll buy 2 gs and then with the other 25, I'll buy a 8th of ]good mids. I'll then mix em together.

    It conserves and fucks you up allot more if you mix.
  14. Either its dank or its not.
    thats all that matters to me, cause i only smoke dank.
  15. "Mids" is a marketing term made up by importers and dealers in the US to sell better quality brick weed for double the price to high school kids. There is great quality mexican brick weed, and there is absolutely awful quality mexican brick weed, but 99% of the time the guy bringing it into the country is paying the same amount of money regardless

  16. Im from the same area and have never heard of anyone using those names ever. Not to be an ass but just saying that in my time as a smoker in Worcester I have never heard of someone saying regs or commercial
  17. exactly

  18. hahaha dude me too. Dank for everyone :smoking:
  19. well i hear commercial term from all the people i know down town and all the street/punk sort of deal kids so yeah , no worry's i mean typically i wont start an argument i have seen mids with improvement over what other people call mids

    i hear commercial more often i do regs but other then that my point is mids is the herb with sticks and seeds if it doesn't have sticks and a seed or two it isnt mids mids/commercial/regs (to the east coast area - or ma for my case) all comes from marsh's and swamp lands in florida and the everglades, i also have picked up "arizona" which people pass of as mids which i compared to the mids i got that comes in from all over the place it being around 2 dollars a gram here.

    so im just saying mids dirt etc whatever, mids is mids kine bud is pretty much the same as beasters different name kind of fluffy but im used to headies and anything else just is like a bowl of nails to me :wave: happy tokin
  20. wow you just totally went back on everything you said. way to stick to your ideas. good fun watching kids fight about what they call weed. helps with the using the ignore button.

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