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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Bdoo, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. I read on here somewhere, at least I think it was here and can't find it now, but someone mentioned some sort of microscope used to check out the trychs to determine bud ripeness. As I understand checking out the Trychs is the most accurate way. I think it mentioned they bought it locally and it was cheap. Anyone know what I am talking about? Thanx
  2. hi yeah i think i read that yestarday, sombody used the glass out binoculars, the microscope is the best way to go i guess, i dont know exactly what im talking about but something like 75% of the hairs have gone amber means its ready to harvest. Im sure somebody who knows alot more than me will reply with an answer that is actualy usefull but i feel mashed so i thiought id try to help.
  3. with pistils once 60% of so are colored

    with trichs once they have formed the mushroom shape with the ball on the top and 20% have had the ball break off they will not become any more potent

    ^ learned that from jorge cervantes october high times article!
  4. I guees everyone has their own "recipe" to go by. I was told by an old timer that 75% of the hairs or when the trychs are 75% amber and the rest milky-not clear. At the very least I'd like a microscope just to see the trychs up close. Kinda neat stuff, those lovely little globs thinggies.
  5. If you get a jewlers loop 10-20 times micro. That will be enough. I have a 10 times it's hard to see the inner clouding of the trics but you can see the 25% amber which is, I believe is the best.

    There are differant times to harvest so I read online somewhere. It say's there are two harvest times and a 1 week window in each. One is before the amber clouding for a differant high and one, the one we are talking about with 25% amber for the full body high. I look for it and bring the link back. It might be Cannabis

    The hairs can change for many reasons. They are the most fragile thing on the plant.The sun can burn them and turn them also brushing against them.
    If you don't have a loop and can't get one look at the overall look of the trics. You will see the colors change if you look. Remember there is a window it doesn't have to happen at the exact time.
  6. i like a 30x microscope for easy adjustment you can find em for about 10- 15 bucks...they used to have em at radio shack...?
  7. Kind info. Thanks. I guess as the time nears I'll check quite frequently and monitor the change in the trychs. I just don't want to harvest too early or too late and botch the whole thing up. This is my first time. Virgin anxiety.:)
  8. i'm looking at my plant, and i see milky white trichs, and most hairs are still white.

    yet i'm also looking at some nugs i have, and the trichs look crystal clear, and the hairs are all red

    they turn clear after they are milky white right? or am i just tripping?
  9. they start clear and short then get taller and milky finishing at amber...then falling off and headless stalks remain...

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