Micro Vaped Glass Globe Edition

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by PimpsNRice420, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Hey all, I am looking for a vape that is capable of vaping concentrates, I have been looking at the Micro Vaped with the Glass Globe attachment and was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on them.

    Also I have a SpecialFX CO2 Extract Syringe that is similar to simpson oil, I bought it for sublingual ingestion, however, I would also like to try and vape it. Would this vape kit work with the CO2 extract?

    Here is a pic of the extract so you know what I'm working with.
  2. #2 AfganiKush, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2013
    What do you mean similiar to simpson oil? His method entails isopropyl alcohol and ungodly amounts of impurities you wouldnt want to smoke. I know even he has said you can vape it, but the process(and solvent) pulls so many non-active and undesirable ingredients, i would never smoke it. If you have simpson oil i assume you have a fairly serious medical condition, so its best to ingest it sublingually as you said or through ingesting it. It is probably many times more effective when consumed orally vs. inhaling vapor. But if you have a pure Co2 extract, with no glycerine or anything, it is fine to vape.

    But to try to answer your question..i wasnt able to find a retailer of that product, but from what i found its a pen vape right? If its just another repurposed chinese e-cig i would stay away from it; they burn to hot, they almost all release toxic fumes, and they break easily. 90% of the pens on the market are complete garbage. If it is a well built vape, that is actually designed specifically for essential oils, then i would consider it. E-cigs are not a very good method of consumption, the only reason they're popular is the stealth aspect. I dont know anyone who would take a pen over a rig if given the choice.

  3. Sorry for the confusion, it is a pure CO2 extract, so with that being said it should be good.

    And the micro vaped glass globe edition is made specifically for concentrates, and I can't have a full rig here, I need a pen vape for te discretion.

    Here's a link to the site and a YouTube video too:

    Micro Vaped

  4. PnR420,

    You'll have to excuse me if this post is all over the place, I'm extremely medicated right now and I used the RUVaped glass globe + BHO to do so.
    I actually use the RUVaped pen with the glass globe attachment for most of my nightly vaping needs. I have an oil rig which is absolutely amazing as well, but it doesn't come out too often. Not everyone in my household agrees with MMJ usage so I see where you're coming from, just remember there are tiny torches + rigs that will fit under your bed in the corner.
    As far as using the glass globe, it's pretty easy to use. The bowl portion of the attachment can be bought separately for like 10 bucks a pop, they're ceramic and the filaments/wick are pretty good. The wick tends to be a bit loose but it keeps in place for a while after you start dabbing wax or oils on it. I mostly use BHO, but I have put a CO2 extract in it before, it worked just fine. The cartridges last me usually 1-3 weeks depending on my usage, and could last a lot longer if I didn't ditch them after the wick started turning dark brown and the taste was a bit off. I still have them and I use them every now and then, they work just fine.
    I've had these for a good 4-6 months now and I haven't used the 5 spares + whatever the starter pack came with, they work wonders when I can't get out my oil rig, and it only comes out 3-6 times a month.
    Sorry again if this was totally off the walls and not really organized, hope it got the information you need to you!
  5. I'm in the same boat, I'm interested in finding out what you learn!

    I just ordered a twin pack of Pro Tanks or clones from a big import website (is it ok to name vendors?) for $20 to try out instead of these assvomit disposables I have been stuck with.

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