This is my first grow, doing 2 fem. auto easyryders in a really small stealth micro cab. trying to grow organically and still figuring out my soil. Just wanted to get on here and keep track of things and get some advice. So lets start with what I've got so far... MICROCAB Very small and not finished. It's 11.5"W x 5.5"D x 30"H, I can barely fit my pots in there. It's going to be vented on the top w/ this Carbon filter and a 120mm PC fan. Will also have passive intake wholes on bottom of cab. Im going to be using CFLs for this grow because nothing else would fit or be cool enough in this small cab. Ive got 4 26W daylights that will be switched to GE Reveals (best red spectrum CFLs i could find) for flower and probably 2 more 32W or whatever they are larger daylight CFLS that will be in there for the whole grow. Should be LOTS of light for barely over 1sqft of space. SOIL+NUTES \t\t\t \t\t\tokay... so here is what Ive come up with. let me know what you think. Currently seedlings are in a 1:1 mG org. mix/vermiculate mix in small yogurt cups Will transplant in two weeks to solo cups with 1 part MG Org. mix, 1 Part veggie compost from local composting co op, 1 part perlite, and a little blood meal. They should have plenty of N, hopefully enough K. These will stay here for another two weeks. In the meantime Ill order worm castings, kelp meal, and bat guano online. These are autoflower ruderalis strain so I imagine they will start to flower around week 4. just a guess, but when they do start to flower Theyll go in big 1-2gal pots in: 2 parts org. mix 1 part perlite 1 part worm castings 1 part compost Bone meal for P Kelp meal for K Bat Guano for more P I have access to crushed lime and to epsom salts. Would you reccommend amounts of either in any of these mixes? Also I just made these up so feel free to suggest diff. ratios. Will make teas for flowering w guano, castings, kelp meal, and molasses. Although I dont have a way to aerate these teas really. Lol, will my plants grow any be happy and yeild well even though I didnt pump them full of chemicals? THE PLANTS Germ'd a week ago before my cab was done so they are currently in a warm closet under just one 26W CFL+ a big ass fan. They look good and will be in the finished cab with much more light by tomorrow. Been watering with a mister as the soil dries out. generally once a day w the fan on. Whooo....glad I got that all down. Will post some pics of setup, possibly grow, soon! Let me know what you think.
So things have been going pretty well. My seedlings are now just over two weeks old. Ive almost completed my grow cab. Everything is installed except a permanent passive intake and the rest just needs to be fine tuned. Having some trouble keeping my temps stable, caught them creeping up close to 100F one afternoon, plants didnt seem to be harmed though. I need to transplant out of small yogurt cups pretty soon and Ive got my organic soil sitting and getting all good and microbially active. It ended up being 1 part EWC, 1 part regular potting soil, a little sphagnum, and guestimated amounts of high P guano, kelp meal, blood meal, and some garden lime. The plants seem to be growing a little slowly and for a while there they were starting to wilt (perhaps a bit of overwatering on my part) and show some yellowing on the newest growth. I did some soil tests and everything came out okay and since Iv'e put them under better lighting and started watering less they have improved greatly. I need to figure out how and when to do this transplant..... So.... the to do list: -finish cab (install vent, adjust light, seal door) -transplant to new pots -buy and set up stuff for aerating teas Peace!