Hey guys, I’m looking at building a grow box under the workbench in my shed, the space is 1m L x 55cm W c 85cm H Will this work? Planning on growing two autos in there, anybody know what sort of yield I could achieve? Cheers guys
Height is going to be the most difficult to work around but you should have enough space for 2-3 plants. What sort of lights are you planning to use?
I think you would be better off getting 2 lights to cover 1m wide space at such a low height but it would depend on the kind of light you're getting.
I was thinking maybe two 150w panels to cover the area better, was just loooing at the led panels on Amazon
That would work. Are you thinking of 150W real draw, or the advertised as equivalent of? I'd probably go for 2 x real 100W+ draw quantum boards or cobs.
LEDs are often (especially on Amazon) advertised as 300W which is supposed to mean that it produces as much light as 300W non-led equivalent. Usually the real power draw (from the wall) on those is between 100W and 130W.