Ok so I just got my micro g pen almost 2 weeks ago. It's just the normal micro g, so yesterday I went to push the button and the light started to blink 10 times. I thought it might be almost dead since I had been using it a lot so when i got home today I plugged it in and went to take a shower. When I came back I pressed the button and it started to heat up, but the coils were not even getting red hot. I plugged it in again and kept it plugged in while pushing the button and still nothing. Then it started to blink 10 times again and the charger light now shuts off when I plug it in, the LED on the charger itself. The light on the bottom of the pen didn't turn on when I plugged it in again either. I'm fearing that it's a shit battery or something and I really don't feel like dropping another $25 on a new one, but if I have to I will.