Michio Kaku

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by k_semler, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Personally, I think Michio Kaku is the coolest physicist of the modern day. He is today's Carl Sagan. I absolutely would love to meet the dude. He makes you think, and even presents quantum physics in a way that a person with a reasonable amount of intelligence can comprehend. I mean, my IQ is only 135, but I can perfectly understand his presentations regarding astrophysics, and quantum physics. He is the modern day Carl Sagan. I enjoy watching his shows, and my favorite channel on TV is the Science Channel. It has replaced The History Channel as my proffered channel. Michio Kaku FTW!!!:hello:
  2. [​IMG]



    All awesome people who can teach us a lot.
  3. Michio KAko
    Would be the coolest stoner ever.
    Or the smartest stoner ever!
  4. yeah michio kaku is one badass mofo.
    i only watch educational programming in which he throws his perspective haha.:D
  5. Michio Kaku kicks ass. He IS like the modern Einstein. He's on the same level with Quantum Physics and 11 or 12 dimension-type shit.

    I think String Theory is the real deal. Just my thought. I believe that shits on the right track!

  6. Michio Kaku is certainly a brilliant speaker and an accomplished scientist.

    I don't mean any sort of effrontery to him at all, but....

    Ain't nobody got SHIT on Sagan!
  7. IIRC there are 11 theroretical dimensions. The 11th dimension is where the "membranes" exist that formed the universe, (See "M Theory"). It is 1x10^-23 mm in width. Yes, humanity can only experience 4 dimensions, (length, width, hieght, time), but we only have a 1/2 way ability to use the 4th dimension. We can only travel 1 way in the fourth dimension, Forward. We can't go back in time. Theoretically, if we could travel FTL, (physically impossible), then we could go back in time. Shit, just to get to the speed of light, we would need ∞+1, (more energy then contained within the universe), to get up to that speed. Not to mention the G-force at that speed would crush you into your sub atomic particles even smaller then the neutron. (quarks).
  8. For some reason, I just believe there are ways around that. Ways to go FTL but be fine. Perhaps pinch time/space, or who knows what.

    No sources or links for that. Just what I believe. :confused_2:
  9. #9 k_semler, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Wormholes could do it. Unfortunately, the only thing we have so far managed to pass through a wormhole is a couple photons. They turn what appears to be a "flat" universe into a U shape, thus allowing us to transverse the space between the upright arms in much faster time then it would take to fly all the way there. A perfect example is a flight from NYC to Moscow, Russia. Instead of taking 12000 miles to fly half way around the world, they fly over the north pole, (same route ICBMs would take if the USA and USSR ever decide to start WWIII), to cut the journey to 4500 miles. Look at a globe if you don't get what I mean.

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