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Michael Phelps' Munchies

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by 420everysecond, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. ...goddamn.
  2. So... do we know if hes even an avid smoker? Or was he just caught on film that one time at that one party with that one bong
  3. ^Avid. He went to college at USC and a few friends of mine knew him very well. He's a good guy
  4. To think I was considering stopping smoking because I'm an athlete is a joke.
  5. [quote name='"Aracratz"']^Avid. He went to college at USC and a few friends of mine knew him very well. He's a good guy[/quote]

    I've also heard he's a complete douche by people who knew him in highschool. Idk...
  6. I also heard he was a mermaid. I I hope this helps.
  7. i also heard he has a shit ton of gold medals.

    no wonder he else could you eat all that food!
  8. By swimming over 50 miles a week

  9. I'm from his hometown, I would bet on him being avid. Most in the area are, lol.
  10. Whats with all these people having connections to Micheal
  11. Well my pit smoking record setting ***** just won another gold:cool:
  12. [quote name='"TokenTokerr"']Whats with all these people having connections to Micheal[/quote]

    Dude EVERYONE has connections to everyone. It just depends how many lies you have to tell to get there.

    But no I actually met Phelps carb loading at Mcdonalds one night at 3 am. I asked if he wanted to blaze so we we chilled in the ball pit smoking a joint. He got so baked he tried to set the mcdonalds record time for the backstroke in the ball pit and we got kicked out

  13. If you're serious, that's fucking awesome :smoke:

  14. weird, i met him the other day skating around downtown. Saw him was like "yo, Phelps, that you?" sure enough he turned around and greeted me. He saw i was blazing a doob so he asked to hit it **gave him doob** he procedes to rip the fuck outta it like burning a quarter of the doob in his two hits (ik what your thinking, what the fuck is his deal, yeah, i was pissed but hey i guess swimmers have big lungs) then asks to see my deck. I handed it over and he proceeds to nollie treflip down this little 3 set. I was all wuh duh fuhh!?!?! he threw me (literally threw) my deck back and said, maybe next time kid. Left me in :confused: kind of mood.
  15. I dont know whats going on.
  16. [quote name='"OGkushak"']

    weird, i met him the other day skating around downtown. Saw him was like "yo, Phelps, that you?" sure enough he turned around and greeted me. He saw i was blazing a doob so he asked to hit it **gave him doob** he procedes to rip the fuck outta it like burning a quarter of the doob in his two hits (ik what your thinking, what the fuck is his deal, yeah, i was pissed but hey i guess swimmers have big lungs) then asks to see my deck. I handed it over and he proceeds to nollie treflip down this little 3 set. I was all wuh duh fuhh!?!?! he threw me (literally threw) my deck back and said, maybe next time kid. Left me in :confused: kind of mood.[/quote]

    If I could like or +rep on the app, you'd definitely have some extra rep and a like.

  17. I read that and thought it said dick. I was like who would have known michael phelps does gay shit when he's high!

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