Miami chick? (:

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MissHitItOnce, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Hey, whats up.
    I'm Isabella.
    I currently live in Miami, but I was born and raised in LA, BITCH. :)
    I own and run my own smoke shop, so whassupp.
    I toke and chill all day, who would want more? :)
    Hit me upp.:smoke:
  2. Welcome to the city ma'am! Enjoy your stay.

    If I'm ever in Miami I'm gonna visit your shop. Maybe you can give me a hookup deal on a bong?;)
  3. Welcome :wave: I might head over there ;)
  4. Haha sounds like a good life, how the clublife down in southbeach?
  5. I'm not familiar with where LA, Bitch is but welcome to Miami. Sounds like you've got the life. :)
  6. Welcome :) can we trade lifes?
  7. What up What up

    Welcome to the site:smoke:
  8. Welcome to GC. Should pm me the name of your store, I'm not too far and might drop by sometime.
  9. Born and raised in LA as well, now in Oakland. New here too. Cheers.
  10. welcome to GC..

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