MH/HPS Growers

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Heartburn, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hello GC, is there a portion of this site that is strictly dedicated to growers that use MH and HPS for grows? I'm hoping to find a place to share and look up info that is more related to my growing needs. It just seems that there should be sections for mh/hps grows and another section for cfl growers. If there is, can someone please help someone that's new to the site. Thanks.

  2. I don't think there are separate sub forums. But, I think that would be a good idea. I have no interest in CFL lighting to grow my plants, just doesn't sounds like they're fast enough or produce good enough bud... MH/HPS is the best way to go.. Some one mention this to an admin?

  3. Im pretty new to the forums, but with my first grow coming up and my kit arriving tomorrow with a mh/hps setup, this type of subforum i think would be great.

    I vote YES !
  4. I also concur.
  5. It's almost shocking that there isn't a separate forum for the two different grows. Nothing against CFL, it's just useless to sit and decipher between cfl and mh/hps grows. It would be nice to have separate journal section and also a general area for questions and answers. If anyone knows how to take this task to an Administrator and see about resolvment, please share. I appreciate the votes to have a section.
  6. You got my vote for another section. The CFL grows are annoying and seem to be more of the 'still live at home' variety, which may explain the reason for so many on here. I have no interest in seeing what cfl can do for growing cannabis, it's not the same as mh or hps and the grows show this vast difference. I also agree that it's stifling at times to get through all the cfl grow ops to find something that is related to your type of grow. Hopefully the Admins. here will listen and throw us a bone.
  7. I agree with all your reasons everyone and that is why I was asking if there was a section for mh/hps growers. What's the best way to see about doing this? Who to contact?
  8. agree'd...

    Count my vote in there
  9. Agreed count my vote, tired of seeing shitty CFL grows when I'm looking for the real deal. I've only seen two good CFL grows on GrassCity ever. And I've been lurking for a while.
  10. It's quite obvious that with your poll and what has been posted here, that there seems to be some logic to having a section or sub-section for the different grows. I agree with one of the posts on that link that all three sections would get its traffic. Grow light mediums is just as unique as growers that use hydro, soil, coco or indoors and out. I don't feel that I am asking the Administrators to add something to GC that will hamper the experience here, it can only enhance it and allow members to better navigate through their inquiries.

    I thank all the members that have giving their nod to this. I'm not opposed to hearing reasons opposing the idea of a more refined section to better suit the members. Any and all input is and always has been greatly appreciated.
  11. Also agree Im sick of talking to people about fucking CFL's...there is only one thing to say about them....If you want to use CFLs and grow something that wished it could off itself then do it with something not so beautiful and not so illegal. I mean how can someone refuse to buy a HID, I mean a zip of kind costs more than a fucking light to grow many zips of better kind. Shit keep buying it if you have to use CFLs, or atleast go on the beginners forum because no actual farmer is going to rely on 26 watts of cfl which loses all its power at only 6" from the plant, and offers no penetration. I dont get why CFL growers are in a advanced part of the forum, there is a beginners place for that shit.

    SO I CONCUR, Give us a place we can talk about actual growing. Not plant abuse.
  12. it would be nice to have that, and a lot of help for ppl i'd think... Count me in too!
  13. I second that notion.

    I have tried them both, and I'm 3 weeks into my first grow with a new 600watt MH/HPS lighting system, and the plants are already bigger and bulkier than any of my previous attempts with cfl's.

    Go Big or Go Home.
  14. All of this got me thinking. When that started to hurt too much, I smoked a bowl and made an M.H./H.P.S. Growers group.

    It's not much, but at least we have a communal spot for us to post.
    Everyone is welcome, though. Who am I to discriminate against all fellow growers?

    M.H./H.P.S. Cannabis Growers

    Check it out

  15. That's a great idea and a good start to what we want done. I didn't know we could make groups like that. Thanks for being a part :)
  16. Why is there a guy running?
  17. LMAO I have no idea... it was supposed to be a smiley face!

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