
Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by slarzon, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. getting one on the 5th whats the pros and cons of it i have a vaporgenie but i want a non butain one like the mflb and i like portability and its so damn small
  2. #2 ras, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    -LIFETIME WARRANTY! Even if you break it and it's your fault, send it in and they will replace it with a new one. If you decide to customize your MFLB, don't damage the serial number on the bottom.
    -Vaporizing doesn't smell nearly as much as smoking
    -Great for your lungs (I don't cough as much as I used to)
    -You can get more high off the same amount of weed than if you smoked it
    -You can watch the weed change as it vaporizes through the Plexiglas window
    -Extremely Portable
    -Can be extremely stealthy (there is absolutely no noise while using it; there are no mechanical parts with the exception of the Plexiglas door) as long as you ghost your hit.

    -Requires ~1 rechargeable battery per bowl (or "trench," as many owners call it, due to the shape of the bowl.) The $100 kit includes 2 rechargeable batteries, as well as a charger and other accessories. I would recommend buying more batteries if you intend to vape a lot. The included charger recharges the batteries in about an hour from totally drained. Google to find out the appropriate kind of battery to use. It *does* matter.
    -Learning curve: it takes a little bit of getting used to. It's not as bad as it sounds, but you will probably burn weed in it by accident the first time you use it.
    -Vaping can cause more intense dry mouth than smoking in some people. It doesn't bother me though.

    I probably forgot a few things here but if you Google around I'm sure you can find more complete information. I just bought my MFLB at my local headshop for $100. It's the whole kit. It includes all the accessories listed on the MFLB site. Http:// No I don't work for them, I heard about it through Cannabis Cultural Education Center - growing, law, news, smoking weed & other drugs / alcohol and was totally psyched when I saw it at the headshop. I bought it right there and then. I'm totally in love with it. The only downside is that it doesn't come with two more batteries (for a total of four). I'll be heading to RadioShack tomorrow even though it's a rip-off and I could go somewhere cheaper to get more batteries. Cheers to this company for making a quality device that works every time (once you get the hang of it which isn't tough)
  3. ya im getting mine at my headshop for 106 the big kit and 4 batterys
  4. go to theres over 300 pages of just MFLB talk

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