mflb whip

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by DTwnvrlfthbghl, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. was wondering what size tubing is used for the magic flight whip extension. i have read of people getting their own tubing from a hardware store instead of buying the whip, but im not sure about the tubing size. would it be the same as medical grade airline tubing? aquarium tubing? thanks. :smoke:
  2. It's quarter inch tubing, if you want the best taste go for sillicone, hardware stores will be carrying vinyl, which will be safe but add a taste.
  3. I just put a straw on the end of my glass stem. It acts as a whip but since its not clear, you have to look at the stem. It really works at giving you decent hits though, and you can see the vapor going through the stem as well.
  4. You would have to be careful not to let the vapor get too hot.

    Last thing you need is a little cancer inducing black smoke with your life giving vapor.

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