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MFLB questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DeadliestSnatch, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. How do you use this thing? I read the instructions on their website and I am still a little confused. Anyone else have one and wanna give me a step by step? Like how much exactly should i put in? How should I pack it? What should I do with the rubber band? Any other general tips?

    Another thing. I am trying to keep residue out of this thing because I am going to be keeping it in my backpack for a while. Would it be ok to put coffee filter paper on the thing so that after use I could throw the paper away, leaving no residue in the launch box? Or is that just a fucking terrible idea haha? If so, whats another way I can keep the stuff left behind and make the launch box not smell?

    Thanks in advance.
    Sorry if this is written out weird, I'm pretty blazed haha :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  2. Put battery in, wait 3-5 seconds and you'll see a little vapor start forming in the chamber and/or tube. Start inhaling slowly like you're "sipping tea". Try it without the clear tube and you'll be able to get a better feel for it. What helped me explain it to friends, try altering how fast you inhale (slow and slightly faster very gradually) should feel the sweet spot when its easy to inhale the warm air. You don't want it to be too hot so that it burns the herb. Pack it to the top of the trench, maybe a little under. Rubber bands are for storage or travel so it doesn't slide open. Coffee filter in the MFLB on top of the screen inside? Bad idea, it'll most likely burn. Just empty it out when you're done and brush it down with the brush and it should be clean enough. I just got mine a week ago, love it.
  3. If the marijuana resins vaporize at ~315F, then I don't think you are putting a huge risk of a fire by inserting some sort of filter, but either way the vapor will condense somehow and you are creating a bigger mess, so I wouldn't reccomend it.

    I don't have one of these, but I have a vapolution, which is similar in some respects, so my biggest advice would be to minimize how much weed falls into the heating chamber, and if it does, get it out ASAP before you have ash stuck in your vaporizer.
  4. Thanks for the input guys. Im gonna use your tips, and im gonna stay away from the cofee filter ha i really just want a way to get rid of the smell cuz i dont want my bag to stink real bad

  5. Ive had mine for about six months now and the smell is minimal. It smells nothing like the resin inside of a pipe. Doesn't smell much like weed at all. I carry my mflb on me at all times and no ones ever noticed. You're good man.
  6. Another random question... How much bud fits in that little area for the launch box
  7. about 1/4 of a gram is what i put in mine sometimes its alittle over packed but thats ok just shake it to make sure everything vapes evenly. And that .2-.3 gets me alot higher than it would any other way.

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