Mflb Q and A

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by BlazedRower6, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Sorry about being the thousanth person to ask about the Magic Flight Launch Box, but I have a few questions: how long would a half gram last in one of these? Say if I put some in there would it last me days or only a few hours?
  2. #2 lwien, Apr 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2015
    How can anyone answer this?
    Wayyyyy too many variables.   What may last a month for me may last less than a day for you, versa.
  3. Haha sorry bro
  4. As Iwien said there are entirely too many variables to answer that question for you, but for me personally 1 full trench + 1 full battery = 1 session. Also I'm generally hitting my mflb throughout the night after a vapor bong session with my HA. I use the box as a maintenance hitter.
  5. Your weed will last you approximately on average 5 times longer than if you combusted it.
  6. #6 lwien, Apr 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2015
    That's a pretty aggressive statement there.     For me, with a vaporizer that has average efficiency, I cut my consumption down by half.
    But if you cut yours down by that much, I applaud you but I think that may be an exception rather than the rule.
  7. So say I have a full trench with my box, how many hits can I get out of it would you say?
  8. Once again entirely too many variables here bud. The quality of your herb, dryness, grind, how you use your box, etc. On average I get around 10 hits.
  9. For me the MF made my bud last about twice as long as it would smoking.
    Of course there's a lot of factors that come into play individually. But that's my personal experience. Your experience may differ.
  10. #10 lwien, Apr 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2015
    You just reworded the same question.    NO ONE here knows the answer to that.
    It's kinda like asking, "If I fill my tank up with Shell gasoline, how many miles do you think I can go before I run out of gas?"
  11. I can roast a trench pretty quick by taking small sips/shaking/small sips/shaking/small sips all while holding the battery or power adapter down. OR I can make a trench last just about all day by only taking small maintenance hits here and there.
  12. A trench full usually lasts me about 10 minutes.
  13. How long does a vape high last?
  14. Dude I'm new to this relax
  15. #15 lwien, Apr 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2015
    I know you're new and that's why I'm giving you examples of why that question cannot be answered, but you insist on continuing to ask it anyway.     No one here can possibly know how long a trench in an MFLB will last you.
    Same goes for the vape high.    With some strains, the high will last longer.   With others..............shorter.   Your tolerance also comes into play here as well as your environment.   
    Just because the high from one strain for me may last 2 hours, another strain for you may last less than an hour so the best answer that anyone here can give you is between 30 minutes and 3 hours.
  16. The MFLB trench holds very little weed. I do not know the exact weight but it is significantly smaller that the average size bowl I would have smoked in the past. The trench lasts me for 10 draws on average and two seprate highs, say one in the afternoon and one in the evening. That same amount in a bowl combusted would be gone in a few hits, at best maybe 3 or 4. From my overall experience with the MFLB I estimate that my weed lasts me about that much more than combusting. There is nothing scientific about that conclusion it is simply a best guesstimate on my part. 5 times longer? That would be on the high end but I would say on the low end it certainly stretches my weed out 3 times more. So 3-5 times more.
  17. A little over 2 hours for me.
  18. #18 hitops, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
    Compared to combustion... Well combustion burns it all up plant material most all of it at a very fast rate very wasteful. It also destroys about 30% of combined active thc cbd so on so on. Not counting things left in the plant material itself that is destroyed outright aka not extracted into the smoke. This is because of extreme heat combustion creates & fast burn rates of combustion - temp of smoke so on. Meaning you never get to use that portion of it as it's destroyed before you have a chance to absorb - inhale it in the lungs. You also get less potency in the smoke compared to vaporizers that use much lower temp. Due to the smokes chemical makeup & temperature of smoke itself. Here is why every draw you pull is like super heating the cherry in a glass bowl on a blunt joint so on & the smoke also super heats. Kinda like a tool blacksmiths use to melt steel in a coal furnace that pumps air into coals called a bellows. This is why combustion is very wasteful from a potency of or usable leftover material or absorbability view. I don't know how to answer your question as it's the wrong question in my opinion to ask. The question should be how much more efficient is a proper quality vaporizer when compared to combustion? Also is vapor more potent then smoke in chemical makeup? Seeing you can make AVB edibles no cooking needed with the leftovers the vaporizer will leave you with alone. From a pure how many times it can get you high - be used view. That's double use by itself. So in the end you have answered your own question. A joint burns fast a blunt slower. A glass piece water cooled smoke even slower. A vaporizer like the mflb depending on temp you surf to burns very slow with no chance of combusting destroying plant material if used properly. The lower the temp the slower the burn the less waste & the higher the extracted usable potency. That's why blunts get you higher then a joint of the same size & the high along with burn rate material last much longer cigar paper burns slower cooler. This is all dependant on many other variables also. Time of draw frequency of draw quality of paper you get the point. It varies from person to person different for everyone. I think what you want to know can be found here. The only true way to know how many hits on average you as a indivuidial alone will get is to do some testing yourself. Others will get different results as we all are different it's a beautiful thing.
  19. Complicated lil thing
  20. Just ended up getting it i am fried as a mofo 😂 very worth the $90

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