Ive had my mflb for a few monts and at first the oem batteries worked quite well, sometimes getting my through 2 trenches on a single charge. nowadays though, they dont last nearly as long, which is obviously to be expected. Anyway so about a week ago i bought a pack of 4 enercell 2500 mah nimh batteries, and these things just suck. like they are brand new, dont give very thick hits at all and die after like half a trench. Ive heard powerex 2700 were the best, but 2700 is only slightly higher than the enercell's so i dont see how it can be that big a difference. Basically just wondering how long the powerexes last and if it is worth it to buy some online bc there nowhere to be found in stores
I dont have those batteries myself, but i do hear they work wonders. Id order them of youre not content with the stock batteries because youll probably see a great improvement.
[quote name='"footballkid001"']bumpp[/quote] My response may be the only one youll get, but seriously get them. Cant be that exspensive just check amazon.
Not really. A few advertise 3000mah but then in the fine print say 2200mah. I have the 2700's, they do take longer to charge with the stock charger, and won't hold a charge as hold as the stock batteries (couple days?), but you can definitely get more hits per charge. I rotate 2 2700's and the 2 stock batteries, 4 batteries are plenty enough for the day (or 2).
if i still had my mflb id just order the stock ones from mflb.the powerex ones were ok but i was able to get thick hits just fine with the stock ones and the powerex batteries i got died extremely fast(1 trench per battery TOPS) and took longer to charge.
2700 powerex changed my view on the MFLB. Before I got them I was using Energizers and the stock batts that came with the MFLB. Before I got the 2700's my MFLB wasmore of a toking novelty/toy. After I started using them my MFLB became more of a toking tool. Lasted longer and started getting thicker hits and therefore more "lifted" after use.
^ Exactly. The Powerex batteries make all the difference. You're gonna be kicking yourself for not getting them sooner.