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Mexican Dank

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DiabolicBud, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. ok so i went to mexico in search of sum dank, i asked around the locals, but these guys are so intent on taking ur money they would sell you 10 pounds of gold for 10 cents (no, not literally). anyway i finally got the bud and it looked more like shitty shwag than the "sensimilla" i had been told it was. they even refused to show me the bud until i gave them the money (fuckin rediculous) i get back to my room and sit out on the balcony, dissapointed that the 50 usd i just spent had been a waste, i packed a bowl, and then another, and another... and i was the most aero i have been in like two years it was INSANE!!! so just because shit looks shwag, dont mean it dont got some firepower
  2. Lies, there's no way dank can look like schwag. :eek:
  3. ok well thats not true becuase i am so fucking gone off this shit and i have a prty stong tolerance now so u r just misinformed my friend
  4. That makes sense, if you look at pictures of old 1960s and 70s weed, all the good stuff came from mexico and looks kind of bad, but it wasn't.
  5. Ya i bought a dub in this ghetto little country called roatan (i think its not too far from mexico) from some shady ass dude. It was compressed into a pellet about the same size as if you made a circle with your index finger and thumb. It looked and smelled just like tobacco, and was shit brown, but dayum... it got the job done. So i guess it sometimes is true that you cant always judge weed by its looks. Of course it wasn't anywhere near as good as cali weed, but hey - it's the third world. It's amazing that they didn't just make the weed poor or something...

  6. #6 yogurtsarmy, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    haha man im mexican i live in mexicoo too. the last time i went to the us and smoked it was shitty, then the exact same ppl came over to my city and i bought about 2 kilos for a week or less. we call it redhead, but it actually is some pretty strong stuff. if in mexico you ask for chronic ppl will laugh at you cusz nobody that has chronic calls it that. so you gotta find a dealer that you know will always hook you up with some dank shit. anyway what part of mexico u went to?

    edit- forgot where i was going with this. my friends from LA looked at the kilos and were like "hey man you got 2 kilos of shwag" i laugh and tell them to try it. lets fastforward a couple of hours. you should have seen them man, all of them were laughing like maniacs! my friend actually smuggled a kilo of mexican "shwag" through the border. they never insulted mexican weed after that. :)
  7. be prepared to defend yourself from an onslaught.

    But yeah it's true. It might take a little more to get you there, but if it was harvested at the right time, mexi can take you to the moon.

  8. That sounds like it may have been coated/been entirely hash, just from the description of the size and color alone. Aaaanyway, oh also, Roatan isn't a country, it's an island off the coast of Honduras, which is (relatively) close to Mexico, but not really.

    As for the "disguised dank" meh, I think there are some schwag looking buds that are not that bad, not necessarily perfectly grown, indoor, advanced fertilizers, dankity dank dank dank great, but still pretty good and deffinitley deceptive of their appearance.

    Happy Toking!
  9. Yeah same shit with my latino dealer,His shit is always different,but i always get want i pay for.Sometime i get bud that looks bad,but the high is good,i think it was just wasn't cured or something.
  10. Mexico doesnt grow dank.

    they grow SHAWG!.

    Mexico doesnt worry about quality. They grow for the MONEY!. the cheap fast money.
    They Just grow in fields. Cut and package. They dont cure, They dont do what the USA, CANADA, UK, Europe does for the buds.

    You dont go to Mexico looking for weed All you will get is SHAWG!
  11. #11 hatchplzhelp, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Apparently you have never seen some un-manicured chronic my friend. Some of those great looking buds are shaped with scissors.
  12. And you, of Massachussetts know this so well how? You think they take all their good weed over the border? Hell no, they smoke that shit themselves. Yes, cartels produce large amounts of schwag that can be put into bricks and easily smuggled, but no, not all weed from Mexico is such. Its a big ass country, not just a few thousand people growin shit ass weed.
  13. You're SHITTING me. (Get it, un-manured?) : P

  14. It may have had hash on it, but it definately was not all has. I'm fairly certain it was just compressed bud leaves.
  15. #15 Mr. Mojorising, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    The equatorial sativas are some of the best bud on the earth. I am old but the best weed I ever smoked was the old 1970s gold you can not find it anymore. Even if I could get the seeds it will not mature in my geographical location.

    Swag comes from commercial plots tended by growers who care about nothing but money. If the idiot swag growers would wait for the plant to mature and trim off the frickin leaves and stems they would have a decent product.

    Good weed can come from anyplace as long as the grower cares.

    I believe the OP if you think good buds have to be tight nugs you been smoking indica way to long.
    Or you never had a sativa from good genetics that was grown properly.

    Hope all is well in Orlando my home away from home! Stay away form that Gore street Paramore

  16. all weed looks the same when they're compressed. try smelling it if its brick
  17. man mexico can sure grow good weed, but it stays here. maybe we ship some over to the US but most of the good stuff stays in mexico.
    You probably get sold mexican shwag cuz your an ungrateful little bitch.. go to your fucking KKK meeting.

  18. At least people want to be in our country.

    I gotta go, i'm uh... late... for a meeting.

  19. Go die.
  20. Hmm, I guess I am misinformed hahha, it looks like more people have had similar experiences. I just never have had dank buds that look like schwag.

    Even if some dank buds were bricked, I think I would be able to tell that it wasn't schwag at the least. BUT I don't know everything so I could still be wrong. I've never bought weed in Mexico, nor do I intend to.

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