Method to pass a drug test?

Discussion in 'General' started by ZootedNBooted, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Hey...I'm planning on taking a pre employment drugtest in about a week and a half. It's a piss test, I was wondering what techniques have been the most effective for those that have tried pills or other detox methods? One of my friends suggest the synthetic urine, the other suggests some pills? What u guys think?

    Some other info bout me:
    I've smoked 3xs after a week smoke break, I work out vigorously 5 days a week, drink plenty of water, very 6 or 7% body fat with a fast metabolism....

    Any input is appreciated.

    Be Easy :cool:
  2. I do 16 ounces of water per hour
    Every third hour drink 10 ounces of craberry juice and 6 ounces of pomegranate juice

    I was smoking a zip a week for about a year and cleaned up in two weeks...
    6'1" 185 elbows
  3. #3 Eric111E, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    synthetic is your best bet. But if you stop smoking like 4 days before the test and get a detox drink you should be good

    Really it makes no difference if you drink 1 gallon of water a minute, THC isnt water soluble and it wont clean you quicker.
    It might dilute urine, but too much dilution is detectable
  4. Synthetic urine is cheaper than the $50 dollar bottle of detox at GNC that gives you an 8 hour window so I'd go with the fake piss.
  5. Sounds like synthetic is the best option... guess I'll go with that, hope this shit works as I need the job and its the first offer I've gotten in who knows how long...
  6. Not smoking helps me pass :p
  7. id suggest researching your own, youre going to get a lot of shitty responses here loaded with bullshit info
  8. Yea...I've looked around and it seems that if the synthetic piss is the right temperature when submitted then theres basically no way to fail... 3 weeks clean will probably be enough to not need anything anyways so we shall see...
  9. drink your weight in water and run forest run!
  10. [quote name='GDPkushKILLer']drink your weight in water and run forest run![/QUOTE

    ]Yea...I'm pretty sure drinkin 180 lbs of water will kill me so I'll have to pass on that
  11. figuratively speaking.

    lots of fluids and lots of cardio.
  12. Lots of people seem to think they should stay in fat burning mode right up to the test but isn't it better to be storing fat by eating lots of fatty food and being lazy right before your tested?

    I mean you don't wanna be burning thc laced fat and pissing that out into the cup do you? If you stuff yourself with fattening foods the day of the test would you be able to block the thc from leaking out with your new "clean fat"?

    To eat or not to eat, that is the question
  13. Yeah you should stop working out 1-2 days before the test, and eat a meal high in carbs the night before
  14. USE THE FAKE PISS...........WORKS EVERY TIME:smoke:

    Nuff said:smoke:

  15. qft

    Ive done the heat pack thing wasn't working fast enough so I pop the hood of the car and sat that thing on the heat shield, walk into the lab with the thing in my pocket, my turns up, the nurse then takes me to a room and....tells me to empty my pockets and put them in the box...:eek::eek::eek: WTF!? So I take a gamble and empty everything but the fake pee. To my luck she didn't check or anything, just said keep the door cracked, no running the sink, and some other stuff. Passed it though, and that was a lab place.
  16. I just had some tombstone supreme pizza and plan to stuff myself for the next 1 and a half days when my test is.

    I'll let you know how it goes
  17. Yeah but that only proves how risky using fake piss can be, I mean you almost got caught dude
  18. #20 Hydroriffic, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    yea this works everytime, if your worried about them checking your pockets i know a trick. Get a sock and sow it to the inside of your pants, the closer to your privates the better, more warmth. Then when you get into the room, unzip take the fake piss out of the sock and start pissing;).

    Edit: oh yea if u sow it, just sow one side, otherwise youll sow it shut...

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