New here, but considering marijuana and art are two of my absolute favorite things, I figured I'd post some of my work here. Feedback is welcome! Enjoy! There we go. That's only a few, may post more later.
Thanks guys! I'll add one more finished one for now and a work in progress... have a habit of halfway finishing and just stopping, but I'll post the finished pic when it's done.
the hannibal lecter pen drawing and the boa skull psychedelic um... however you made that (wow, colored pencils? the subsection textures came out together very nicely)... these are really good! surprisingly good compared with your other art which is still nice. Did you lay out any gridlines or trace lines for the hannibal lecter drawing, or any such techniques? the crosshatching, the gradient, the deepness, the symmetry is quite astounding, add to that the natural depth given by the focus of your camera. Wow. and your boa drawing is truly rich and frightening
the tiger looks wonderful, what kind of paper was it on, did you treat the paper to get that pink flesh tone, and also the tiger color is nice, how was that done. Other than that... the elves are done well, albeit frightening. Alot crazier places you can take such machine elvery.
Thanks! I'm currently undergoing a tattoo apprenticeship, it's what I've wanted to do for as long as I can remember, so most of my work is based around that. The Hannibal pic and the snake pic are two of my most recent pieces of work, the others are a bit older... since '07 or so. No art education other than high school art classes, though I'd like to go to improve. All of the pieces shown here are on regular computer paper, just really bad pics before I got a scanner. Hannibal was done with a ball point Bic pen. It was actually before I got a computer, so I had to pause the movie and go from that on a TV. No grid lines, just basic shapes to start. And I hate tracing. The snake was done with Crayola colored pencils because I'm cheap... along with all the other colored pics. I appreciate all the comments!
Awesome work.OH and FYI broskis this "dude/bro" has a is a she. and her work is amazing.
Beautiful work, loving the Lecter drawing a lot, I love ink work considering I can appreciate the difficulty it is my favorite media after all. Not being able to get rid of your mistakes creates quite the challenge.
Bro, what state are you in if you dont mind sharing. Im in FL so if youre close I might have to hit you up for my first tat when the time comes! that would be an honor.
Thanks! Ink is definitely my favorite thing to work with. As for location, I'm in north GA. Not too far from FL. Would love to help out with the first tatt!