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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by levi17, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. ok well before i say anything i'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum i didnt really know where else to put it. and i looked it up on google too and didnt find anything on it

    Well my friend has this stuff that she says is called mesop its not weed or anything thats its actual name mesop she said its kinda like heroin but stronger and you can smoke it up put it on your tounge and inhale it and its like this powdery stuff. well i've never heard of it before and she wants me to try it has anyone else ever heard of it or experience it. oh and she said it will also make you hallucinate anybudy got any info on it?
  2. google came up with nothing, same with erowid (drug database pretty much. Erowid ) but, if she sais its like heroin but stronger, does it sound like a good idea to you? think about that.
  3. i know what you mean i'm just looking on some info on it i'm not really sure if i'm gonna try it yet
  4. I have no idea why that term "mesop" sounds so familiar to me, I honestly feel that I've heard that somewhere before. I'll try to think about it and look it up, although basic searches haven't yielded any results, but hey, if it's good, it's good.

    Happy Toking!
  5. miso soup?


    just like the guys injecting beef boulion
  6. Sounds a lot like some kind of research chemical, like 2c-e 2c-b ect. They usually give you a feeling of euphoria and also make you hallucinate.

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