I wouldn't doubt it, every single aspect of life is now being corrupted and exploited for money. It makes my head spin how many things like this are being revealed lately. Although, we don't know which are true and which are false, but even if SOME are true it's still so fucked up. This reminds me of a Futurama episode where companies implant advertisements in people's dreams...I'll stop there I don't want to give any company ideas.
I don't know what to believe since it came from that illuminati website, but it really opens your eyes to the amount of power the people in control of the dollar can actually wield. Personally never got a shot, themiserol or however you spell it seems a little strange. 'Don't eat tuna more than three times a week due to mercury, be careful with the new light bulbs because of mercury when they bust open'...oh wait here's a needle with a concentrated dose, enjoy. There's literally more mercury in them than the actual dead virus they shoot in you. what better way to make the people sheep than to make them a slave to the dollar, the medical industry, pills, processed fast foods, rising grocery store prices....gasoline.... they can yank on the chain, because people are still gonna need that gas, and people definately run for the tylenol when their head hurts. and soon we'll have a healthcare system that will be illegal to back away from. With all this new change in america, we must not lose sight of the fact that the government is here to serve us, not the other way around.