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MEPS drug test help

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by jay8ighty, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Im 5'8, 140 pounds. I smoked for about a week or two straight out of a pipe to keep me high throughout the days of midgrade weed. Im now 22 days clean. The other day i took a test and it was a faint negative. Then today i took one and it was a positive. I go to meps to take a drug test and physical sometime this week and i really have gave up smoking to pursue the navy. Will a few more days be enough time to pass this test. *crosses fingers and prays*
  2. Hopefully it will. I read somewhere that for a daily smoker it will take around 30 days to clean your system. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise to try and work some of that THC out of your body.
  3. I just did a shit load of cardio after that positive result and now im downing water. I really hope i dont DQ at meps.

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