mental health

Discussion in 'General' started by UK pothead, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. im 19 and i thought id post my problems for some help or any idea what to do as ive not really spoke to anyone about it.ive always been nervous and paranoid about stupid things as a kid. like walking to a shop and paying for something by my self would be a hard task to do.dont ask why it just was,my dad was diagnosed with schizophrenia. so i never really saw him much as a kid, always been paranoid i would end up the same as family said when i was in trouble in school or sumit would end up like him.i recently tryed to join the army this year, as i split up with my girlfriend i was with for 2 years. but my anxiety and panic attacks were to bad so i dint get accepted.i cant seem to get a job either, so im always in depressed and lonely most of the time. but its weird because i prefer to be always by my self. even without my family,i went to the doctors a few month ago and they gave me tablets for anexity and anti-depressants i dint really explain my problems.they dint do much for me i still could not sleep. im always up till like 3-4am,i started smoking alot off weed and it helped me alot. stopped my anexity what i thought was weird and abit off depression. but the past few week, ive been even worst when im high. like the other day i got stoned come home and randomly got a anxiety attack and weird thoughts about killing my family. like i was been controlled, i could not even watch t,v or go to sleep.also felt like the devil was trying to contact me when i was sober for like a this the start off schizophrenia? should i stop smoking weed and seek serious help ? thanks.
  2. Sounds pretty serious, as cliche as this may sound, its probably better to talk to your family about getting some sort of help before this actually becomes serious.
    You feel as if your being controlled which might be a sign of schizophrenia.
    Thoughts of killing your family aren't good, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people actually thought like that but just didn't come out and say it.
    The only sure way is to talk to a psychiatrist, or maybe try finding a mental health hotline in your country to better help you out in your situation..

    Good luck
  3. it wasn't just a stupid random thought tho, it was like i cunt control my self i was having a anxiety attack.thinking lots of weird thoughts, tryed to sleep it off but i cunt sleep atall.
  4. i agree with meneks, you should definitely get some kind of help. and talk to your family - that's what they're there for.
    also, i think it would do you good to lay off the marijuana for awhile and continue taking your antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicine the doctor prescribed; the reasoning behind this is because people who have a family history of schizophrenia, which in your case, you do, should not smoke because it has been shown that marijuana can bring latent mental disorders such as the aforementioned to the surface.

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