Men: How often do you cry?

Discussion in 'General' started by i Donk, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Men only!!!

    Since i've never cried in front of a friend, and i've never seen a friend cry, I really have no idea how often other men do it.

    I would say I break down once every 3-4 years and cry. Usually it's because something pretty tragic has happened, like when my Mom died for example. I don't think i've ever cried just because I had a bad day or anything like that.

    So how often do you cry? Stuff like when you laugh at a movie so hard your eyes tear up doesn't count, i mean the "life sucks and I can't hold back crying" type deal

    Including age in your post might be helpful, as i'm sure there will be a difference in frequency between the 18 year olds and the 30+ men. I'm 26 fwiw. I'm really curious to see how I compare :smoke:

    *feel free to just answer the poll, no posts necessary if your ashamed :)
  2. The first time I cried since I was a toddler was a few months ago. Let my stress and anger build up to a point where I couldn't take it anymore.

    EDIT: I'm 18
  3. #3 SpiritMolecule, Sep 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2011
    I cry when I feel like it's time to cry, it makes me feel a lot better! Probably.. 6-7 times a year.
  4. I don't give a shit I'll cry when I want to.
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  5. 14 or 15 times a day.

    Every morning I wake up and place a gun in my mouth, and sob for 20 minutes while trying to build up the courage to pull the trigger. I then place the gun back in my drawer and go about my day.
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  6. Pain, not since I was probably 14-15.

    Emotion, probably a few times a year. Depends on how things are going.
  7. under only the most stressful of circumstances.
    which comes around every once in a while...
  8. Real G's dont cry.
  9. I think it's more manly to admit you do cry than to bottle everything up just because that's what "G's" do.

    Last time I cried was probably around a year ago, can't remember the last time I cried before that.
  10. I haven't cried in a long time. I felt like i needed to though.. but never shed a tear

  11. i hope that was a bad attempt at a joke
  12. I've never cried in my entire life
  13. I've had periods of time where I cried a lot but haven't cried in a while. Haven't really had anything to cry about, my life has been boring and I have kind of given up for the time being. I feel like weed motivates me to want to cry when I'm in a time of need while when I'm without it I'm just like "ya....fuck it." I feel like without weed I am more lazy and without hope when people say the opposite happens.
  14. I haven't in a while maybe 5 years but I need to let it out soon. Like most men I keep everything bottled up but I have to, just to appear strong to my family. It's not a macho man thing, when I used to read a lot, I read a book on Samurai culture. Leaders were not supposed to show emotion but control it even in times of war, they must be strong for the weak. I guess I took that to heart when I was a teenager.
  15. i havent cried since Titanic
  16. Immediately after I ejaculate.
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  17. I'm in my mid 40's, and I cry monthly. Mainly at movies, but since I'm bi-polar, I really don't need a reason to cry :p
  18. I don't know, whenever I feel the need to and no one is around, I'll put on the water works. But other than that I usually write or play guitar or something. I actually wish I cried more often because of the emotional relief it brings me, it feels good to cry :eek:
  19. Armageddon :D
  20. I rarely ever cried from pain.. 3rd degree burns, splitting my head on the sharp corner of a table, then the road a week later, nothing. I cried when I tore some tendons in my leg from falling out of the tree when I was like 10, but mainly cause I was scared I was going to get in trouble since I was supposed to be doing chores.

    Now for emotional, you got to let it out whenever it's needed. I almost did the other day, been feeling full of void lately and don't know why. Frustrating, I teared up while sitting on the porch, only one fell though, so it's not like it did me any good with releasing.

    I want to cry when I see "special" people happy. I don't know if it's because they're happy, or because they think they're happy and will probably never know true happiness like most do.. Sorry if that sounds rude, don't mean it to.
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