Been on an IMDB Top 250 list binge and decided to watch Memento. I have never been mind-fucked so hard. Bravo to Christopher Nolan, in my opinion the greatest Director of my generation. [ame=""][/ame]
Mind Fucked is the hard as I tried I just couldn't get into this movie, stoned or straight ..but as you've made this post,..I'll give it another go pweace "V"
I don't like it. I just made a thread about how Nolan is overrated before seeing this, so sorry for the redundancy. But his characters are not relatable and his plots are generic beyond the gimmicks they hinge on. I'm just not impressed by the guy anymore, which is sad because I used to swear by him.
Very possibly my favourite movie ever. It's just constant twist after twist through out the whole movie.
I don't know... I really didn't feel it. I tried watching it and wasn't even able to finish it because it just felt dull. Though it seems like a movie that you have to watch to the end to appreciate and I usually like that... but not so much this one. It's on Netflix so I may give it another go and finish it soon
Eh... I happen to believe it's overrated, perhaps even vastly so. The concept wasn't that original and it wasn't even done terribly well, imo. I knew exactly where it was headed from the get-go and got bored 1/3 of the way through. I only finished it because my friend wanted to see it through.
Really though? It might have been because I was seriously high when I watched it but I didn't spot the ending coming at all.
For the most part, yeah. People were clearly using him throughout the entire movie, so I just figured he could have already killed his wife's killer and not even know it. I was betting on the story having a major twist at the end and that seemed like the most likely possibility to me. I didn't know that he'd plot to kill the guy at the end but that was only part of the twist anyway.
One of these days I need to see the movie in chronological order (it's a special feature on the version of the DVD I don't have). Great film. Haven't seen it in a while. Good double feature with Inception
That would be interesting to see. I might buy the DVD actually, even if the movie in chronological order wasn't that good the original version is still awesome and worth the money anyway.
Watched this while tripping one time and it actually made a lot more sense. Great movie though, and a great concept
Watched it for the first time last night. I was expecting a "mindfuck" scene at the very end, similar to the "spinning top" scene from Inception. It wasn't a mindfuck at all, more of a gradual realization of the truth