Memento- Can you relate as a stoner?

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Shiggy Talls, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. I stay pretty medicated throughout the day but I am always focused and productive on the task I've set at hand. I have been treated by a psychologist with anxiety, depression and neurotic obsessiveness so the bud helps me get through the day stress free and helps me get my work done.

    I have noticed that I use the acute short term memory loss on good top shelf bud to my advantage and leave little notes to myself to stay really focused.

    I just saw Memento again yesterday and found that I could totally relate to the main character's life living with anterograde memory loss while trying to achieve his goals.

    Anyone experience something similar?
  2. Not as intense as the movie, but I'm starting to get to a point where I forget what some words are, how to pronounce or spell them, I forget what some things are called, like something simple like a table, I forget some things that just happened a few minutes ago, I remember my 4th through 9th grade better than I do my high school, and I just graduated not too long ago. I wasn't even high all the time haha, but seriously, it started way before I started smoking weed.

    I think I could really remember things if I tried, I've just been "out of it" for the past 4 years. I haven't been to any psychologist or anything though, so I don't know what my deal is haha.
  3. i can definitely relate to this. long term memory not so much, but short term yes haha especially after:bongin:
  4. Haha I was just wondering if anyone was like me because I will take care of things in advance that my stoner self will completely have forgot about and then later find that I had it all planned out in my short term memory that had already been forgotten.

    That plus all the notes and pictures lol.

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