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Melted snow to replace my rain water..

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by gdread23, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. I was wondering what you all thought about using snow ? Any one else do it?
    My rain water drums had to be emptied do to freezing weather 😭

    Promise I will melt it before I use it !!
  2. I would boil it and filter it, shouldn't be a problem.
    you never know what's being frozen with the ice.. what if there were nearby crop dusters?
    Certainly a valid point, but WHAT crops are being crop dusted when it's cold enough to snow and snow enough to where it can be collected in rain barrels?  Kind of a big "what if"...
    OP, if you've been using your rain water with no problems, using melted snow should be no problem.
  6. Boiling synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides makes them safe?
  7. Rain water, no real problems so far. I'm gunna do it!

    Definitely Not going to boil it or filter but thanks for the input.
  8. snow will work great..
    just need a lot of it to make a gallon of water.
  9. I am so glad I have a deep artesian well...

    Yeah, those pesky crop dusters, spraying bare, snow covered fields and ruining out snow men and melting the butt off our Kim K snow whatever. :laughing:
  11. #11 donchamp, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014

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