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Meigs County Gold.....

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by maulcoy, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 maulcoy, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Any older people on here remember this famous strain from the late 70s early 80s.Meigs Gold was produced by some college kids that were in a botany class together at Ohio University, Athens..

    It' was a very skunky and fast maturing sativa strain that was from the late 70s Acapulco Gold fame that these kids crossed with the early 80s Afgan, hash type strain that was produced during the Soviet Invasion of the same time period for hashish production.

    Afgan rebels would of thought you were nuts to smoke this harsh plant as marijuana because it was bred only for making hashish , the final product in their eyes.This cross produced Meigs Gold or as we called it "Deeker" or "Deeker Weed" all through the 80s.This smoke sold for around $60 a quarter in the late 80s when I discovered it.

    Long story short, I ran into one of the guys that helped stabilize the strain and he gave me 50 seeds that are from the gene pool of this lost wonder.

    I was just curious if anyone heard of it back in the day?
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  2. would you be willing to send a couple seed my way bro??
    just like 2 or 3??:D
  3. dude bring it back! out of all those seeds take half and allow them to pollinate and just get a fuck ton of seeds and spread em round the land :D
  4. i was here in the 70s and 80s but bringing back a long lost dank strain, sounds awsome
  5. If my dealer ever gives me Meigs County Gold you'll be the first to get a +rep.
  6. He'll probably end up callin it Pineapple Kush to get people to buy it faster. :D:wave:
  7. I was not around in the 80's and not blazing in the 90's. If you start to grow please let the community know. I would love to see a strain from the past that most have never heard of make an appearance.
  8. Only person I know that was playing around with weed DNA was actually a bio masters student at Case Western, and this would have been in 82/83. I remember his brothers name, as I was dating him at the time.

    Not sure if he had partners or not, or if it really resulted in anything special, but the stuff he had growing was very lush and spectacular. He had his spare bedroom turned into a grow.
  9. hey... I'm from Athens Ohio. good weed here, no doubt.
  10. You are holding history man.
  11. Agreed, you dont know how lucky you are(well maybe you do)

    Most people never get to experience these original strains.
  12. Yea man I've heard of this strain plenty of times, considering I live VERY close to Meigs. Never got to try it tho.
  13. The very best there was around here.....Got a dozen of em poppin now.Gonna see if I can pull 2 exceptional parents for breeding.
  14. Never heard of it, but I did live near and did have plenty of McCurtain County Gold and that was some good shit. It was another big one in the 80's when weed growing was running rampant in the SE part of Oklahoma with lots of the police involved, then a new Gov went nuts on em and burnt it all down.... US OK: State Claims Victory Against Marijuana Growers

    "The state, which consistently ranked in the top three for domestic production during the 1980s and early 1990s, has dropped off the charts, said Scott Rowland, bureau attorney. Cultivated plant seizures once totaled about 100,000 a year; the past five years, about 6,000 a year were seized."
  15. op lemme have a couple of seeds bro:D
  16. Got a few of the little tykes up now. 3 days old.

  17. Will you be growing them for seeds or smoke?
  18. #19 maulcoy, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2011
    I want one good mother plant.If it is a very good plant I will use saved pollen from one of the males to make seeds.
  19. seedlings....

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