Meet Dr.Doom

Discussion in 'General' started by Dr. Doom, May 19, 2002.

  1. if you wish to share ink this is place !reread what you wrote from our point of veiw .not what you think is are point of veiw! i dont hate anyone dont read more into my funning then is there , i have many sides, i can be as soft as the faith healers hand in that of a 90 year old ladys dieing from cancer! or i can filled with rage and the rath of god ! cool right !but they mean nothing with out wisdom and kindness to guide them !you did well to answer and not talk at us ! i am 41 and have gone out in to the world of man and humans as far as i could with out getting sick ! what you thought was here is not unless you invoke it! if you want to pm me and talk, i well help you as i would any one ,most of the members here my not agree with your veiws, i am sure that you knew that before you posted ! so if you need to talk lets talk ,your no dout smart or the members would have set you a fire ! i was haveing fun last night smokeing and replying to what was said ! i am not stoned now ! if i spell bad and my grammer is not sound it is because i am recovering from a head injury! and i am on heavy meds if i go off them i have mild strokes wish i am just getting over as of yet ! i am artistic audistic with what is left of a high iq ! yes a freak self thought and self paced threw my life ! i am my own teacher and if i can help i would !you found what you were looking for ,lets talk ! good luck tazz11
  2. I bear you no hatred. I do think tho that you are a very nasty person. You bring these people down for what? so that you can say that you have done some good in the world in the name of God? No my friend- if that were your intention then you would sureley write letters for amnesty to stop the torture of innocent prisoners of conciense ther world over as would be God's real will- that is not the reason. Would you like to tell me what the reason is?

    You seem surprised that so much hatred is displayed towards you. You go out into the world and bring down people into ruin because you get a kick out of it. People just like us who have been sent to prison because of your wish to be the next superman. People who just want to go out and enjoy life. Have you not lived yours? At the age of sixteen I have raised money for charities for cancer, have helped people I know with trauma and problems that they have and I intend to apply to med school in the next two years. So no point in telling me how you have not squandered yours on fun but gone out and done good- I have done both.

    Live and let live. People who use marijuana have the right to do good. You say they are given warnings. What do you shout out that you are going to narc on them at parties for drugs as soon as you meet them. I think not- if that were the case then they would not be there. You cannot stop them using pot alltogether- it's like me sending you to jail if you do not stop fishing if you thuroughly enjoyed it (for example).

    So what's wrong with pot. Yeah you can tell me about crack, coke, speed, heroin all the hard shit. But tell me one thing that weed does to harm you- none of that gateway drug shit- that's bullshit. Ask anyone here if they have ever been tempted to try anything but weed- most will say no and those who say yes will say that they feel pot is far superior and they prefer it AND they will tell you that pot did not play a part in the decision to move on to other things. WHAT'S WRONG WITH POT???

    There is my argument- rational and calm. You don''t like swearing? grow up!
  3. "I often had to lie to my employers to save her butt, but the whole thing is getting suspicious." Post

    "I speak no lies friend,I merely use another archetype of thoughts to bind with the consummers." Reply

    "Well, I basically had to act «cool» and get into those 18+ parties, observe for consumpton, leave and call in the cops. You probably think it is terrible, but I did it for in their best interest and it was a very exciting life" Post

    "And by the wicked I mean godforsaken pushers who sell drugs to the children of my neighbourhood." Reply
    You are such a confused Liar and Hypocrite, that it blinds you to you own words!

    In your Post you admit you lie,then reply to me you don't!

    In your Post you say you help "bust" 18+ young ADULTS for their best interest(In YOUR opinion) and EXICITEMENT! Then you reply to me that you're after pushers selling to CHILDREN!!

    You try to justify yourself with the quote,

    "I shall draw my sword from it's scabbard and cut both the righteous from the wicked. "

    And yet choose to ignore,

    "Vengence is mine,saith the Lord"

    The Lord you quote was imprisoned on information delivered by a Narc ( Judas ) for the paltry sum of 30 pieces of silver, he was not in it for the money either, he thought he was doing the right thing!!

    I do not hate you,
    I'm not angry with you,
    and if by calling you a liar, and a hypocrite after showing you your own examples of each, I insult be it!

    Peace to your troubled soul.
  4. Well said Cowboy, Eome and Faded Spinner!

    Dr. Doom, I specifically said that "I personally think you are full of shit..." That, my man, is not an insult but my opinion and out of respect for my fellow stoners I will restrain from giving you an example of a real bona fide insult.

    Hypocricy is the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion. So, I do believe that you are a hypocrite! <<<Not an insult, only the truth!
  5. If you're really a badass narc try going to a coke party you asshole. Weed doesn't hurt anyone, it's not chemically addictive whereas coke and heroin are. If you're not a pussy, then try busting actual criminals instead of peaceful pot smokers. Of course you wouldn't do that tho because you are probably a little punkass bitch who would get stabbed or shot if you tried.
  6. I think I speak for everyone when I say this guy is a real butt monkey
  7. for real man you just seem like the uncool kid at school who finally has a chance to get back at all the cooler kids by ratting them out like a coward.

    i think its fine what you're doing, but dont do it while denying your a narc. dont say youre not a narc because youre not in it for the money, you think you are "saving" these peaceful potheads and thats worse than being in it for the money, because that is ignorance, and ignorance is the start of all hatred and fear.

    im surprised you need us to answer you questions about weed. i think you just came here to try to get us to tell you that what youre doing is ok. youre looking for forgiveness. if you wanted answers you needed to look no further than your girlfriend.

    and whoever said the thing about crack and heroin is right, dont come busting peaceful potheads while there are real criminals.

  8. It is very silly for you to expect "calm, constructive thoughts", especially when you are a brainwashed, ignorant being that works for a corrupt government.
    On top of that, you come to a forum that is a "safe haven" for many of us that smoke. You were doing nothing more than getting your rocks off on our anger, and distaste for people like you. You are a very strange, and bad man.
    At least, you realize that you are not wanted here.

  9. I just wrote a whole damn reply and this stupid thing logged me out so bear with my frustration!

    DrDoom. While I think what you do for a living is wrong, you didn't ask for our opinion on your dirty deeds, you asked for a potsmoking woman's advice on what to do with your relationship so here's my thoughts.

    I think you need to tell your GF IMMEDIATELY what your occupation is. She needs to know. You can't live a lie forever, and the longer you live it the harder it will be when the truth surfaces, and IT WILL SURFACE no matter how hard you try to hide it. ESPECIALLY if your employer gets tired of hearing you lie about your GF and goes and busts her themselves. THAT would be horrible ~ you'd be out of a JOB *AND* a GF. NOW who's the dumbass? :D

    Besides, honesty is the most IMPORTANT thing in a relationship, and if you don't have that, then don't expect the relationship to be a healthy one, IF it lasts. Even furthermore, if you have conflicting beleifs, and your beleif regarding marijuana is SO IMPORTANT to you that you have to go BUST KIDS for a living, then perhaps the 2 of you should not be together! You *ARE* a hypocrite in the situation that you are in right now. You can't have the cake and EAT it too ~ meaning you can't go around busting people for smoking pot, then go home to your potsmoking girlfriend and feel good about yourself, can you?

    I am curious what your beleifs in marijuana are, now that you're dating a girl who smokes pot ~ you obviously like her, and obviously the pot hasn't made her lesser of a person to the point that you can't date her anymore. Perhaps you need to take a step back and examine your morals and ideas. If pot is wrong to you, you should, under ANY circumstance, NOT BE DATING THIS GIRL. Likewise, her being a pothead, should NOT BE DATING A NARC. She doesn't have the "advantage" of knowing what you are, however, and can't make that decision ~ you OWE It to her to let her make that decision.

    Personally, if I were in her position, I would dump you unless you promised to find a more productive job, and changed your beleifs. It'd be insulting to me that you didn't tell me right off and be honest with me right off the bat, but I am a true believer in second chances.

    On the subject of your job, perhaps you could do something more productive to make a positive difference in your community. You say you do it for their own good, but truly I don't see what's good about spending time in jail. Kids distrust authority enough as it is, how do you think they feel when someone they figure is "their own" turns them in? Probably more apt to distrust authority, making it harder to get them to listen to teachers in class, law officers, and even parents. Why not try to give back by offering support? Become a teacher, or a counselor, where you can REALLY talk to the kids about their issues and THAT is where you can teach them the "evils of drugs" if you must.
    That way you can still make a difference, but you're not busting in destroying kids' futures.

    I wish you luck in your situation, I strongly reccomend you tell your GF RIGHT AWAY REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCE! I hate liars more than anything, and most women can't stand a man who LIES. It's the first sign that the relationship isn't worth the time or effort. However if you come ot her with an "olive branch" of peace, and offer a change in your ways, perhaps it will work out.

    Open your mind up ~ I could tell you my personal story and you'd be amazed that I am a daily toker... Many of the people on this forum smoke pot daily and are Basketball Coaches for kids' teams, Community Members recognized for their efforts, great PARENTS, TEACHERS, people who contribute POSITIVELY to this world on a DAILY BASIS.
    You'd be surprised at how it actually CONTRIBUTES to some peoples' lives, too! It makes ME personally more sociable, more apt to take risks at work to get the job done, more creative in what I do in my life AND at work, and eases stress and depression.
    Good luck, and hope Karma doesn't get ya back TOO BAD!
  10. All this is very interesting really, but tell me, wouldn't the real question be: How real is Doctor Doom? Is there such a thing as a special undercover team that fights crime? Is this all true or just a creation of your imagination? Is it the truth because you want to believe or because you refuse to see what isn't, what can't be?

    Cheebalaganja: Perhaps you wish to fight against something that doesn't exist? Tell me, who is the prick?

    Faded Spinner: Is there such a thing as non-existant criminals? What has no being cannot be criminal... Yes, beating people is a very clever way to settle things (this is sarcasm)

    Rainman: You are good at heart friend and your kindness above all has kept you on the right path. But do not be too quick to insult someone as to say their head is full of shit, it's useless. You almost got me at one point, when you thougt I was trying something on the web.QUOTE: Not a brain per se, hmm?

    Justme: Indeed, a chatholic fanatic, trained in the arts of war, and a spy for an anti-drug secret socitety would not be welcomed here. But, would Dr.Doom be a bad man? Isn't is just a question of opinion? Of perspective? And who would you be to judge who is bad and who is good? Remember, opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one, it is pretentious and unwise to judge of what is, based only on our opinion... Who is silly now.

    Ganja: Only you have shown a peaceful behavior and forgivness. The others should take example upon you, for you are no doubt a good woman at heart and very mature too. Your ink, like rainman would say, shows great wisdom and intelligence, and so I shall read your post from the shadows as they show great virtue.

    Cowboy: I must admit you have discovered the flaws.. I liked the comeback about Judas very much.

    Eome: Yes, yes, I thank you for your psychological analysis, a lot of people on the internet seem to have ph.d. in psychology nowadays.. Careful with your passive-aggressive behavior that can turn out to be rather dangerous (obviously you know what this means for you have great knowledge in psychology). What I think is correct, is that you said that you thought Dr.Doom was a nasty person, not that he WAS he nasty person, and so you did admit what you said was an opinion and nothing else.

    Smokisomething: Yes, great analysis, bravo! You are one hell of a genious. It seems you bit right into this bait doesn't it??! LOL

    You know what's actually quite interesting? It's that within days of Dr.Doom's first post, the replies to this thread scores second and most post are unconstructive bullshit and emotionnally driven comments. So much for the peace and love attitude. Try to think about this, isn't the source of all the problems with marijuana legalisation related to a narrow perspective of things? It is important to express without in a constructive manner, to lay your opinions in a way to make things advance, and how would calling someone asshole or some shit like that make the person feel like changing it's views, it's very basic communication really. This is how Martin Luther King succeded. When as aggressivity been as solution to anything? Unfortunately only Ganja seem to understand that, and so legalisation might very stay nothing more than a dream.

    Jdouble: Oh thanx for your comment, it was wonderul apart maybe from the fact that it lacked complete wits.

    Homo Homini Lupus (man is a wolf for man)

    P.S.: Eome, please do spare me your extensive quotations as you'll undoubtely find some way to turn things to change the sense of all this. The point here is not to argue. It's to think, think, think.

    P.P.S.: Remember, hatred is a vicious wheel, only Ganja has managed to keep her dignity by not lowering herself to childish insulting and swearing, I guess fuck has now become a keyword to express just about anything for too many people.

    P.P.P.S.: I'm kinda curious as to what replies will be to this. I sincerely think most people will realize how bashful they were and adopt a more calm and productive behavior in the future. Unfortunately, some poor bastards are probably gonna start insulting some more, oh well, if it's their only way of communicating, fine, although I do find it extremely primitive. Also insultign is useless if it comes from a complete stranger, it just doesn't affect anyone! Remember we are all fighting for the same thing here: legalization.


    P.P.P.P.S.: For those who are still confused as to what as just happened, take a deep breath are read the post again, and again, and again,,,
  11. well is that all this is is just you telling us how fun it is to guess what your up to ! well sorry i have something much more fun at the time !and if you did not know that was baiting you i was right in my frist idea of you! the members know me and i think some knew what was up before you did ! lol who is playing and what is for real is only seen in the input that passes befor you ! you still are playing these little head games and i am still thinking the same dam thing ! lol its been fun but ! latter dude good luck tazz11
  14. I say this Dr. Doom be appointed "Official Shit Stirrer"!! Sorry Doc-little inside joke there.......

    At first I thought you were someone's alter ego-too storylike....and yet you even managed in an explanation for that!!! I'm just gettin' ready to shut her down for the nite and I run across this.......anyway true story or not, I feel I must respond.

    Everyone deserves nothing but honesty and respect from thier partner. Also, the person she is now is who you love, trying to change that could "fuck" up everything. That goes for how she feels about you now and how she feels about you after the fact. Sounds like you're "fucked". Hee-hee-hee!!! I'm sorry, I'm not good at sarcasm by keyboard.

    And you quit playin' head games with my stoner try to sound so much smarter and better than us lowly stoners, why couldn't you figure this one out yourself? What about your fine church goin' family? Or even your church for that matter? I just don't get how oyu can put yourself off as so smart-ask a dumb question and then feel you are righteous in flaming us-WHEN YOU KNOW THAT'S WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!!!

    It's a head game guys!!!! I'm up for a little play!!!
  15. you keep that shit up and i'll be smileing at you gal ! lol
  16. shit gal i know you wym woman ,you were just a smileing when you were spanking him , . lol
  17. you two gals share that loven but not with him ! lol

  18. LMAO Tazzy......;)
  19. Dr doom I have one question before I do not talk to you again. You are here only to enforce your oppinions and confidence as you are probably extreemly insecure about yourself. Oh yes I am familiar with psychology since members of my family are psychotherapists (yes with PhD's, dick head) and I often find my self on a bored saturday afternoon perusing the books written by Carl Rodgers (look him up) and the like which I have found quite interesting in the past years.

    So my question is this:

    Why do you hate swearing so much? A swear word is only a word. It is an expression- you would say "But what is the point of using those words?" I would say- would you complain if i said- "I feel that what you are doing is darn unfair, Dr Doom." Methinks not. Swearing is simply the use of an expressive word AND THAT'S ALL IT IS- A WORD!!!

    while i'm here i might as well enter my closing statement:
    You seem to concern yourself too much with the little vices and "evils" of the world that's don't really hurt anyone. In this world we have torture, death, fammine, desease, war, suffering and pain. Which of these mighty evils do you choose to conquor? none... you concentrate on smoking and swearing?!?!?!?! Well if that doesn't make you feel good about yourself....

    Want to help people? I'm sure the manpower could be so much more effectiveley applied- oh btw most weed on the market today is home grown rather than supplied by terrorists in case u intend to link weed to death and war torture etc...

    The pic below is just for you- it took me only a couple of seconds to make it...

    Attached Files:

  20. I've read MY replies to your post, and find NO swearing or insults directed at you. I stand firm in my belief that pointing out your lies and hypocrisy are not an insult ,but fact based upon your own statements. In fact, on the contrary, I've wished PEACE on your troubled soul a couple of times.

    Replies were made on the basis of your first statement, now you recant, and make it seem like a "Test" of "peacefulness", or a "hypothetical" antagonist.Which is the truth?? I no longer care, you're right , I've discovered your flaws.

    To all Blades who were Yahookan's..........Does the name "Tokephatty" ring a bell???????

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