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Medicinal or Recreational

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by coloradomedicin, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. :smoking: Ok here it comes If you have a LEGITIMATE medical reason that you believe or know has helped other people then by all means speak with your PCP. Be upfront and honest about your ills, you have to share ALL your medical information with your Doctor if you don't it's a prescription for disaster, It's your body after all.
    The legalization of Medicinal Marijuana has been a long and tiring task costing tons of money and some have spent years in jail for their beliefs on this subject. I have a Medical Marijuana Card Issued by the State of Colorado that allows me the option of choosing which medication I prefer to use for the control of my Chronic Pain.
    I also have friends that enjoy a doobie at the end of a day, hell if we hadn't been smoking it 45 years ago we'd all be smoking some crap boiled up in a dirty pan somewhere... OH yea that shit's meth.. anyways I'm not against pot, quite the contrary I've been there done that and I could and will after 42 years of smoking it call myself a semi-expert on the subject of marijuana use and abuse.
    My biggest beef and it should really make every body else mad as hell as well is immature irresponsible drug use. The whole country is looking at the few states that through the tireless effort of a few have made it possible for those of us with legitimate issues get legal access to therapeutic alternatives. They aren't looking at the lawyers that smoke. They aren't looking at the grandma's and grandpa's that smoke it for their aches and pains. They aren't looking at your uncle your aunt or maybe your best friend suffering and possibly dieing of cancer that smokes in the privacy and safety of their homes. What they are seeing is the "High" 17 year old girls that cant decide if they have insomnia, narcolepsy, anorexia or just bad taste in who they tell their intimate secrets to. They see the loud, in your face drunks smoking a blunt moaning about how they hurt so bad they can hardly wait to get THEIR MMJ cards cuz they got pains man they hurtin...all the while kicking over the garbage cans all up and down the block
    You'll get no sympathy from me. If you want to smoke pot smoke pot, find a connect and smoke all you want to smoke when you want to smoke and how you want to smoke. We did we smoked a LOT hmmm a whole bunch of pot hmmm good. But I am personally offended with some Kid with no REAL medical problems beyond acne and puberty trying to tell another kid with the same so called ills how to beat the system and "Get your MMJ Card" with some junk like I cant sleep or I cant eat.
    It's probably a good thing we weren't kids at the same time because me and My friends would have kicked your ass's and then stole all your pot :D and then smoked it AND made you watch.:laughing:
    I guess what I am really trying to say is that you cant force people to see your side of any issue unless they listen to you and they wont listen to you if you offend them in any way. It's taken 50 years to lessen the penalties for marijuana possession. They were still putting people away in prison for life for a joint in Texas when I joined the fight to legalize ALL marijuana. We didn't get there by beating the system we did it by being the system. We went to school we joined organizations and we got elected to political offices to change the laws we thought were old and outdated. We have a President now that smoked pot. We also have a few states that allow "Medicinal" use of marijuana. If you want to smoke POT join the fight, quit being a pussy and fight for what you believe in if you don't you're just a stonie thats going nowhere. Grow up, quit being a retard and show that you can smoke marijuana and still be responsible. Prove to all the NAYSAYERS that pot wont make you stupid,, well some of us it wont anyways
    • Like Like x 1
  2. agreed
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. #3 niamert, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
    I don't really understand your rant. You are mad at kids for getting MMJ cards, but then you urge everyone to join the fight.

    Paracetamol [acetaminophen] hepatotoxicity is, by far, the most common cause of acute liver failure in both the United States and the United Kingdom. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

    I know there are plenty of people who are just stoners that wanna get high who are getting their cards. But what is the big deal? All they are gonna do is smoke a j instead of pop pills. I wish I had never taken a pain pill and I wouldn't be in the dire situation I am in now. Instead of concerning yourself with others, maybe just focus on yourself.
  4. While I understand where you're coming from, I believe your anger is a bit misplaced. Firstly, the media is always going to dig up inflammatory images. That's what the media does. Secondly, there will never be a program that has no one abusing it. It's always annoying when irresponsible people screw it up for everyone. Witness the salvia laws following the spate of Salvia Kids on youtube. Still, I think that getting worked up over such things is a misdirection of energy.

    What I'd like to see is a media image of a responsible medical user. I've yet to see one....
  5. I'm not mad at kids getting MMJ cards I am mad at ALL the people that are abusing the system and making it harder for the real people with real medical issues in states that are still trying to get medical marijuana approved. I feel it should ALL be legalized taxed sold and enjoyed just like alcohol. I enjoyed smoking pot while I could and I was one of the first License holders here in Colorado after voters legalized it for Patients in 2000. I find it frustrating that so many people sit back and do nothing to help in the process of legalization, present an image of irresponsible drug abuse and have no compassion for those that are suffering Real life changing events in their lives. I can guaranty you that the real patients that NEED marijuana for pain control or any of the other infirmaries it is capable of helping would gladly give you their MMJ card just to live another day pain free, maybe hug their babies again or take a walk in the fresh air. One of my "friends" has two bags on her waist one that collects her feces and the other holds her urine. I know she'd give you her medical card in a minute if she could just go a day without smelling shit. Her biggest priority in life today isnt trying to scam some doctor into giving her a MMJ card so she can hop down to the corner club and score a bag, smoke a j and get high, she's just trying to stay alive long enough so that her elderly mom can make it to her funeral and not catch a "Chill" in the winter air.. To put the shoe on the other foot If you came across a group of people laughing about organ donation and how easy it was to get another liver by just telling the doctor they drank to much pepsi would it frustrate you? Hey you can eat all the dope you want just tell the doc your eyes are yellow ha ha, it kind of trivializes your suffering doesn't it? Whenever you disprove one piece of evidence you cast doubt on the rest. and when one fraudulent medical marijuana user is discovered it will cast doubts on the rest of us. :bolt:
  6. And you wont.. A responsible medical user looks just like your dad or mom or my aunt or my Grand-babies grandpa :) or your paper boy, you know the kid that used to get in so much trouble before his mom took him to that doctor. I've self medicated for almost 20 years and have worked with the police, for and with the county and state governments in many states and the feds too with out any of them knowing I smoked POT. Colorado says I can medicate myself but I cant do it where I can be seen by anyone that might find it objectionable or in public view. I cant drive after I have smoked (a given I am after all Impaired) and I dont have to have a place in the workplace to get HIGH. I /we do blend in.
  7. i think all this anger about abusing the system is really unnecessary. the more this system is abused the more obvious to everyone that full on legalization is viable, so just relax.
  8. If someone can get their MMJ card for a fake illness and eliminate any possibility of their life being ruined for smoking a harmless plant, then they absolutely should.
  9. Yeah. I think coloradomedicin is so proud that he has his MMJ card, that you think no one else should have one. If my back hurts after working 10-11 hour days why shouldn't I be able to use MMJ? Just cause I'm in my 30's and am younger than you has no bearing on the issue. You should be happy that people are "abusing" the system, because ignorant people will complain and the government will come in and tell us how to live our lives. Settle down bud. I thought thats what most people are mad about weed being illegal? The government shouldn't tell me what I can do.

    I completley agree that weed should be legal for all, but until that day, people will be tempted to get their card even if they don't need one. And I could care less. The more, the better.
  10. #10 WildWill, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    OP - Have you read the STICKIES? Maybe the one that's on the top authored by little old me?

    Let me set you straight on something here, and believe me when I say, I really think there are far too many "legal stoners" that give MMJ a bad name:


    The laws in California are very very lenient on who can get MMJ FOR A REASON. When they were drafted back in the mid-90's the authors deliberately left the reasons up to the discretion of the doctors so that MORE people could get MMJ legitimately, not less.

    We're not a special club, nor should we treat each other like we are. My ONLY beef is when you flat out LIE to get a recommendation, that I cannot condone. BUT if you can find a legitimate doctor who will give you a recommendation, then more power to you. Just follow the laws to a T and don't give the movement a black eye.

    My mantra is to preserve Safe Access for every MMJ patient. It's not my job or your job to determine how legitimate a MMJ patient is or is not.

    Legalization and Medical Marijuana are two completely different things. The fact is that legalization is not here, and is not coming as soon as you all think it is. What IS here is Medical Marijuana, and we need to keep it here to support the millions of patients country wide. To that end, the anger at gaming a system that could lead to the system going away is 100% justified, regardless of what you believe.
  11. i understand where the OP is coming from. But you cant blame the kids beating the say blame those who made it so easy to get an mmj card.

    Here in NJ mmj just passed and it appears to be more strict than any of the previous 14 states. Only those with "debilitating" illnesses can even be considered for it.
  12. His main focus seems to be the "Kids" in all of his post. Maybe he believes that only the old should smoke? Even though he has been smoking since he was young?
  13. Yeah. And he chooses to vent on a site where every other post is "During fifth period I took this much . . . . .", "After school I came home and was so baked . . . " etc.....
  14. Enough piling on - come on now.
  15. Agreed. +rep

    The point that you can't blame a kid for getting a medical marijuana card to beat the system is invalid, the only reason that you would need to be 'beating the system' is if your doing something stupid: driving under the influence, dealing marijuana, smoking in a stupid location, just breaking some kind of other law besides posession. Even if you are caught with possession here in California its only 100$ fine. You can be a medical marijuana patient and not be breaking any other laws, that's just what any other citizen should be doing. Being a patient is not an excuse to be a dumb ass.

    So in conclusion there's no reason anybody would be needing to beat the system unless there being ignorant and childish.
  16. Before I say anything, let it be known that I am 26 yrs old and I am tired of these rant threads. People need to realize, would you rather see kids take advantage of MMJ or painpills? I know what I would rather see but some people just think they are on some kind of pedestal or something. I don't know how to stop so I've come to accept the fact people will ride the system, its a proven fact so just accept it and move on and worry bout yourself.

    I live in Indiana for another 9 weeks and I'll be joining the fight out in Colorado by signing up for Student for Sensible Drug Policy and hopefully whatever else I can do meet people and fight for something I believe in. Let me point something someone said above, you'll always have people abusing the system. Around here, in my town, it's infested with drug addicts (crack, meth, pills, heroin). I admit, I got caught up and was addicted to Oxy's for over 5 years. Its not cool but yet, there are addicts going to these doctors getting scripts of 360 methadone pills and going to the methadone clinic as well. That's illegal. I know some people who got a hold of fake x-rays and got a script of Oxy 80s. What I'm saying is, people abuse the system all the damn time. Its a fact of life.

    I have ADHD, but the hyperactivity has reduced as I had gotten older, but the issues focusing and marijuana helps. At the same time, I like coming home after a long day at school and ripping the ole bong. So am I wrong for faking back pain to get a MMJ card since Colorado doesn't recognize ADD/ADHD as a legitimate reason? I don't think gotta do what you gotta do.
  17. Am I not qualified to tell you that I deserve MMJ because I find it helps me medicinally?

    What happens if my condition lies just outside the bounds of a particular states qualifying conditions? I should suffer with the black market because a doctor doesn't think it will help?

    I believe anyone who uses marijuana on a daily basis is using medicinally. Should we need a perscription for sleepy-time tea? Or vitiman C? The only reason we have the perscription system as it is for drugs is to keep dangerous drugs in the right hands and to keep more money going to the pharmi. companies. Basicly to keep people safe, and to keep getting the right people rich.

    Do we need to be kept safe from marijuana? no, we can all agree about this.

    You can't undermine an already corrupt system. You can only make it work for you. Just like the pharmi. companies do.

    The bigger problem is the health care system of our country in general. MMJ will never be accepted as long as pharmaceutical companies are in control.

    People are way too holyer-than-thow about the whole MMJ thing. Live and let live.
  18. Yes, there are some users who are getting MMJ Cards be faking their ailment. But, these cases are far and few. Many doctors can detect the disguise, Moreover, there are professional ethics which we can associate with the doctors. If you want a treat a particular illness, don't go for recreational marijuana. Also, you can opt for methods other than smoking
  19. I see it different.. just make it rec so anyone can medicate ( still doing the same thang though) still in secret... if someone asks you are having fun while getting medicated... Plus the biggest part with medical... What or whos business is it what your medication is anyway... people should mind their Own

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