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Medicinal Marijuana questions..

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Nairb, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Is marijuana an adaptogen?

    Also, I currently have these listed as it's constituents: phenolic terpenoids (cannabinoids), THC, flavonoids, alkaloids and a volatile oil with mono AND sesquiterpenes.

    Are there any other constituents that I don't have listed?

  2. Anyone?
  3. Is cannabis an adaptogen? Great question. I would say yes, in a way. (Today's vocabulary word- adaptogen - a natural herbal product which may increase the body's resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.)

    Some individuals are born with an imperfect endocannabinoid system. (Read Russo's "Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency" for details) Those individuals are, in some ways, like a type 1 diabetic, their bodies simply do not produce certain necessary chemicals. Phytocannabinoids can substitute for Anandamide, ACEA, 2 AG and other endocannabnoids, which is why cannabis is such an effective medicine with so many uses!

    Endocannabinoids are essential to many aspects of existence from setting off the suckling reflex in infants, to the body's own defense against cancers, to modulating the actions in the digestive tract and so much more. A lack of these essential chemicals can have subtle to severe consequences.

    The anxiolytic properties of cannabis are well documented (click the first link in my sig for the studies). It's a great de-stressor, and there's a whole section of PTSD, which is about as stressed as you can get! Trauma? Well it is protective against the damage caused by strokes, heart attacks and it prevents neural damage, so I think it qualifies as protecting against "trauma". (That first link in my sig has the studies to back all this up)

    By the way, there is a whole section on "CHEMICAL COMPOSITION" that I think you'll enjoy! :D

    Granny :wave:
  4. I was wondering if there was any form of ingestion that was better than another for obtaining the most adaptogenic benefits? I.E. Oil, Tincture, Smoke, Vaporize, Etc...?
  5. Unplugs the arteries, reduces arterial inflammation and may prevent heart attack & stroke.

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