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Medicating And Eating! Your Input Please!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HalfCentury, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Hey guys! Hope everyone had a nice day and is enjoying their evening now. :hello:

    Was just wondering if i could get some input / help on the subject at hand (eating and smoking).

    Well smoking is awesome....Eating is awesome.... So doing both together is definitely awesome. I consider myself a seasoned toker (daily medical use), but i recently came upon this problem: How do you personally deal with the "not hungry" "no appetite" feeling you can get after a while? (This goes for when you are sober).

    I'm a fairly small guy and skinny, so weight is not an issue here, but its annoying getting headaches and stuff from not eating all day. I'll wakeup at 9 in the morning and not have my first meal until about 5, and just drink water during the day. I try to force food just to have something in my stomach but its just too hard, i have no desire for it.... Simply for the fact that i am just not hungry (i have no idea on physiologically why this happens).

    But at night, snap a nice bowl, have a meal, and its paradise.

    So any tips on how to deal / train your body? Input is appreciated thanks guys! :D

  2. toke a little bowl in the morning man:smoke: thatll boost your appetite
  3. I went through this stage just from always being high when eating full meals.

    You'll get over it. I did. I lost some weight cant say that's too bad either.

    If you're up by 9 why not start your day off eating a bowl of cereal? Some toast?
    Use your own power to make yourself eat.
    The worst thing you can do is start your day at 9 and not eat until 5. If your body gets to used to this it will just start storing the food you eat as fat because you aren't getting anything else during the day.

    Just start eating regularly. If it's not coming up then nothing is wrong.
  4. Why do you only smoke at night? I have appetite issues (not entirely bud related) and I just take a TINY snap when I wake up. I hardly get "high" off it. Just a nice little buzz and an appetite.
  5. I only smoke at night because that's the only time I have to myself to relax a little and unwind. With work and University nearly everyday its hard to find time to blaze at noon, etc. :) lol

    Keep the inputs coming guys its appreciated thanks!
  6. all you need is kush and oj for breakfast homie and blunts and fortys for dinna
  7. Hahaha i see you on the K and OJ homie, but common now "We dont smoke blunts bitchhhh!!!!"

    u know this!!
  8. OP,

    You pretty much just descirbed the same situation i'm in.. I am a pretty skinny guy about 6 foot 140 pounds and I smoke 5-7 bowls a day.. I wak up about 10:30 and my first meal is usually at around 5:30.. Today it was at about 7:00.. Never really though it was because of the ganja though..

  9. Wow that is really crazy / ironic man! You literally just described my situation today those were the exact same times i woke up and had first meal at 7.... (dinner)... DAMN! :)

    It feels chill to know that you guys understand what i'm feeling. :smoke:
  10. I think it has something to do with being lazy. I have the same problem. If I actually move around or work hard I do get a appetite. I treat it like a advanced sense of hunger, I only eat when I actually need to. So a meal at six at night and some light snacks is normal for me on low energy output days. Once you hit thirty you won't have to worry about being skinny, time catches up on you. I started putting on weight then, I now weigh 185 and I am 6' tall.
  11. Nah its just im usually out with friends and shit so eating just never
  12. a few drops of a good green dragon tincture,taken first thing with a little juice or in coffee should help. in my opinion...good luck
  13. cannabutter. Eat some toast or whatever you put butter on.
  14. If you're hungry, eat. If you're not hungry, don't eat.

    If you're not hungry and you think you should be, smoke and see if that'll change your mind, learn to function high (it's easy and can be fun).

    If you can't smoke... see a doctor?? (warning: they'll probably try to put you on some shitty pill)
  15. Force a breakfast into your gullet for cryin' out loud! Even if its just a CLIF bar... you guys are murdering your bodies going that long without food...

  16. This is so true. Your body/brain doesnt function with a regular intake of sustenance. Muscle mass will continue to drop until you cant support your self and bones will break.

    Seek proff help if need be, bc if you keep this up you wont be around to have a toke of your Fav bud . . . . .
  17. Just forced some scrambled eggs into my mouth for breakfast, gonna see where this goes, thanks for the help guys!



  18. Thats awesome to see mate and if you want to make it another HalfCentury in this world then keep it up :p


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