Medical MJ advance in RI and Delaware

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by DanBoone, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Medical Marijuana Bills Advance in Rhode Island and Delaware — MPP Blog

    "In Rhode Island, the news hasn't hit the wires yet, but a statement from the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition reports: “Tonight, Wednesday, June 3, the Rhode Island House of Representatives voted 64-4 for a bill to allow the Health Department to license a non-profit compassion center to grow medical marijuana for state-approved patients.” Having already passed the Senate, the bill now goes to Gov. Donald Carcieri.
    The bill would make Rhode Island the first state to ever to expand an existing medical marijuana law to permit state-licensed dispensaries. Rhode Island's original medical marijuana law was enacted over Carcieri's veto in 2006, and observers think a similar outcome is likely this time.
    Meanwhile, Delaware's medical marijuana bill passed its first committee hurdle, the Senate Health and Social Services Committee, after a 90-minute hearing at which MPP legislative analyst Noah Mamber spoke. No one testified against the measure."

    :hello: the MPP guy spoke for 90 minutes and NO one testified against the measure. The NE portion of the US must be pretty enlightened.
  2. Wow this is amazing news. I posted the thread about DE opening the bill. Now i hear that nobody is speaking against it? I'm really starting to get my hopes up now which is probably a bad thing haha.:smoking:
  3. this is great, i have been self prescribing for depression for over a year now. in the uk there is no medical marijuana at all, but im moving to delaware this summer. hope the bill passes :)
  4. Nah don move here man, Delaware is beat.
  5. Delaware sucks ass lol. Dont move there man, your better off moving here to maryland. Its next door to delaware so if you have family or friends there you could visit, but maryland has more things to do and has more job oppertunites then delaware. The only positive I can think of in delaware is no sales tax.

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