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Medical Marijuana Spots | Southern California Dispensaries and Collectives

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by BlueDreamGrower, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I used weedtracker, potlocater, and weedmaps before but my second favorite co-op told me his menu was on mmjspots. Anyhow its a pretty good site and they are even on my facebook with regular updates on socal strains.
  2. All of these proposed regulations present legal issues with arbitrary dates and numbers. Public safety would be compromised by a handful of collectives attempting to serve over 400,000 patients in Los Angeles. Prices would increase. The number of compassion and discount programs would decrease. Low-income, disabled and seriously ill patients, those for whom Proposition 215 was crafted, will have the least amount of safe, affordable access. The Los Angeles Police Department has long stated that it wants to see 12 or fewer dispensaries in LA; 14 or fewer is what the DEA can eliminate in a day. The language within these initiatives demonstrates that those intimately involved with these initiatives have financial and political motives that are helping law enforcement and political officials, and not the patients.

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